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2.5 billion dollars

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Q: How much money does it cost to produce a single modern submarine?
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How much money did Submarine gross worldwide?

Submarine grossed $4,581,937 worldwide.

How much money did Submarine gross domestically?

Submarine grossed $467,602 in the domestic market.

How much money does it cost to buy a submarine?

2.6 billion U.S. dollars

How much money can Cessna 280 produce monthly?

There IS NO Cessna model 280. The Cessna 208 Caravan is a single engine turboprop aircraft that is popular as a freight hauler and with floats installed, a small utility seaplane. Airplanes do not "produce money". They COST money to operate. In a commercial situation, it is hoped that an airplane can bring in (earn) more money that it costs, but there are no guarantees.

How do you protect Pakistan from anti money laundering?

There is no way where you can stop a nation or an individual to produce counterfeit currency notes. It cannot be stopped but it can be minimized. Money laundering is not done single highhandedly. Tougher and efficient laws that govern the corruption and the transit points where these money launders make a contact and a produce. Local networks that circulate money should be dealt very harshly. If people have fear of law money laundering will be stopped.

When will it start raining money?

Never. Clouds do not produce money. They produce rain, hail, etc.

How much money does a Wisconsin dairy cow produce?

None. Dairy cows produce milk, not money.

How does modern money reflect the characteristics of money?

modern money is divisible. the penny, which is the smallest denomination of coin is small enough for almost any purchase

What is conterfeiting?

When you produce money illegally

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Is money a capital resources?

No because money don't produce anything.

How much do artist make when they record a single?

Nothing, it is the sales of the single that make the money not the act of recording. If the single is rubbish then nobody will purchase it and the artist will make no money.