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not every boat is like that you kno

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Q: Why is boat steering on right side?
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Why is the steering wheel always on the left side of a boat?

It isn't. It's more commonly on the right side.

Where does the star board part of the boat face?

Facing forward, starboard is the right side of the boat. (the steering board (rudder) used to go on the right, so the left side was the port side)

Why are steering wheels on the right side of a boat?

BITD boats didn't have rudders in the center, but side-hung rudders. For some reason, it became tradition to "always" put the rudder on the right side of the boat. "Right" on boats is called "starboard" - the side where the steering board was. When entering a port, people tied up with the rudder facing OUT, to avoid damage. So left became "port", from portside. Staying with tradition from the old side-hung rudders, steering is done from the right, starboard side of the boat.

Where did starboard originate?

Comes from old English from Sterobord, as the old boats used to have the steering rudder on the Right side of the boat. Port side came from the same with the Steering rudder on the right ships would dock on the left side as not to damage the steering rudder.

What is the Right of the boat?

On a boat, the right side is the starbord side; the left side is called port.

In wales is the steering wheel on the left or right hand side?

Wales have left-side traffic and right side steering.

Which of the following indicates the right side of a boat the port side the mast or the starboard side?

The right side of a boat is the starboard.

What the right side of a boat called?

If a person is in front of a bow( Front side of a boat) right side is starboard.

What does the right side of a boat called?

If a person is in front of a bow( Front side of a boat) right side is starboard.

Where is the ignition switch on a 2000 dodge ram?

Right hand side of the steering column.Right hand side of the steering column.

The right side of a boat is?

When facing forward, the right side of the boat is 'starboard', and 'port' is toward the left.

What is the right side of a boat known as?

The right side is starboard