Fidelity's DTC number is 0226
The DTC number is 0902
TD Ameritrade's DTC number is 0188
Cortal Consors doesn't have a DTC number. Instead, they use BNP Paribas' DTC number: 0049 Here is a list of all DTC numbers:
Dtc #0418
DTC # IS 0262
What is Rayond James & Associates DTC number?
Vanguard's DTC number is 0062. This number is used for electronic transfers of securities into or out of a Vanguard brokerage account.
The initials DTC stands for Depository Trust Company which refers to a company involved in securing stocks, bonds, commodities and money market accounts and the DTC number identifies them.
Franklin Templeton's DTC number is 0385. This number is used for electronic transfers of securities to and from Franklin Templeton accounts.