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Q: A terrestrial planet has cloud of sulfuric acid in its atmosphere?
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What part of the Oort cloud is the atmosphere?

No part of the atmosphere of any planet is any part of the Oort cloud.

Is there a poison cloud in Venus's?

Venus' atmosphere is composed of clouds of sulfuric acid, which is poisonous to us.

Which planet is covered by fog?

In our solar system, that would be Venus. It is covered by a cloud composed of sulfuric acid.

What is the common name of the gas cloud found around a planet?

An atmosphere.

How much Sulfuric Acid is in Venus's?

The atmosphere of Venus has a high concentration of sulfuric acid vapor at and near the surface, but as you rise into the atmosphere, it's concentration drops sharply. The bulk of the cloud layers surrounding Venus are carbon dioxide.

Why is Venus called cloud planet?

The surface is not visible from space, only clouds (formed mainly by droplets of sulfuric acid).

What planet is a carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide gas cloud?

Presuming you mean which planet has carbon dioxide as the primary component of its atmosphere, and features clouds of sulfur dioxide (or sulfuric acid), which would be Venus, second planet from the Sun (the next innermost planet from the sun compared with earth).

What are Jupiter's white stripes?

Jupiter's white strips are formed by the tops of cloud formations in the planet's atmosphere which are formed by convection in the atmosphere modified by the coriolis force produced by the planet's rapid spin.

Which planet is a cool solid surface with a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere and occasional dust cloud?


What is the biggest to smallest thing in these words Solar system sun moon universe galaxy gas giant terrestrial planet oort cloud asteroid meteorite?

Universe, galaxy, solar system, oort cloud, sun, gas giant, terrestrial planet, moon, asteroid, meteoriteThere are ambiguities. It is possible for a planetary moon to be larger than a terrestrial planet (Ganymede vs. Mercury, for example), and the oort cloud is placed on the list as a part of the larger structure of the solar system, even though it's extent may dwarf the solar system's planetary regions. Some asteroids may be larger than some moons.

What does our solar system consists of?

The sunMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneCeres - dwarf planetEris -dwarf planet wow reallyPluto - dwarf planetMakemake - dwarf planetHaumea - dwarf planetplus billions of small bodiesfrom the Sun to the Oort Cloud, 1-Sol (Earth's Star)*Inner Solar System*2-Mercury (Terrestrial Planet) (closest To the Sun)3-Venus (Terrestrial Planet) (Hottest Planet in the Solar System)4-Earth (Terrestrial Planet) (Home)5-Mars (Terrestrial Planet) (Red Planet)*Asteroid Belt*6-Ceres (Dwarf planet in the Asteroid belt once classified as a Planet)*Outer Solar System*7-Jupiter (Gas Giant)8-Saturn (Gas Giant)9-Uranus (Ice Giant)10-Neptune (Ice Giant)*Kuiper Belt Objects*11-Pluto (Once considered a planet now called a Trans-Neptunian Object or Dwarf Planet)12-Charon (TNO but also a Binary Satellite of Pluto)13-Nix (Pluto Satellite)14-Hydra (Pluto Satellite)15-90482 Orcus TNO)16-50000 Quaoar (TNO)17-20000 Varuna (TNO)18-Haumea (Dwarf Planet)19-Namaka (Haumea Satellite)20-Hi'iaka (Haumea Satellite)21-Makemake (Dwarf Planet)*Scattered Disc Objects*22-Eris (Dwarf Planet)23-Dysnomia (Eris Satellite)24-(84522) 2002 TC302 (SDO)25-2000 OO67 (possibly a Comet)*Detached Objects*26-90377 Sedna (Dwarf Planet) (Possibly Inner Oort Cloud Object)*Oort Cloud***-Hills Cloud (Inner Oort Cloud)***-Outer Oort Cloud

What is venus moslty made up of?

Venus, like Earth, is a rocky, terrestrial planet. Though it sometimes appears as a gaseous planet, it is not. It just has a very heavy cloud cover, making it the third brightest object in the night sky.