

Acetic acid test procedure

Updated: 5/22/2024
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14y ago

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1. 5 mL of urine 2. heat the urine until it boils without shaking it 3. if cloudiness appears in the heated portion add 5 drops one at a time of 10% acetic acid and heat again

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2mo ago

To perform an acetic acid test, simply mix a small amount of the substance with acetic acid and observe any color changes or reactions. This test can be used to identify the presence of certain functional groups in organic compounds. Remember to perform this test in a well-ventilated area and wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

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Concentration of acetic acid in vinegar?

The concentration of acetic acid in vinegar typically ranges from 4-8%. This information can usually be found on the product label. If more accurate measurement is needed, a laboratory test can be conducted.