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Covalent and Dative covalent bonding.

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Q: Al2cl6 exists as discrete dimeric molecule write Lewis structure of this?
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What is a cooridinate covalent bond?

A bond where both electrons come from one of the atoms. For example the bonds that hold two AlCl3 monomers together to form the dimeric Al2Cl6. Another name for coordinate covalent bond is dative bond.

Why does alcl3 exist as al2cl6 molecule n discuss shape of its molecule?

First, draw an AlCl3 molecule, in dot-structure. You will see that in the molecule, Aluminum has only 6 electrons, 3 of which are shared with the chlorine atoms. It needs 2 more electrons to become more stable (8 electrons in the outer shell is usually stable). Now look at the chlorine atom in the AlCl3 molecule.It has 8 electrons, and thus, it is somewhat "stable". If a Chlorine atom from ANOTHER AlCl3 molecule formed a dative bond with the Aluminum atom(a dative bond is a covalent bond where both shared electrons come from just one species. In this case, both electrons come from the chlorine atom), this Al atom would now have 8 electrons as well. That is why AlCl3 exists as a dimer- as Al2Cl6 . It's structure is shown in this picture.

Aluminium burns in chlorine to form aluminium chloride?

yes to produce aluminium chloride AlCl3 vapour which is Al2Cl6 . Aluminium(III) in crystalline AlCl3 are six coordinate, on melting or sublimation (at 150C) the molecule assume the molecular form Al2Cl6

What kind of bond in AlCl3 have?

AlCl3 at high temperatres in the vapor phase is molcular, planar AlCl3. with polar covalent bonds. In the melt and at lower temperatures in the vapor phase it is dimeric, Al2Cl6 with two bridging Cl atoms ( Cl2AlCl2AlCl2), each aluminium atom is approximately surrounded by a tetrahedron of Cl atoms. in the solid the structure has each Al surrounded by 6 Cl atoms and the bonding is more ionic in nature. As the solid is heated just before it melts the electrical conductivity rises due to the presence of ions.

What is the point group for al2cl6?

The point group is D2h

What is the formula for dialuminum hexaflouride?

Formula: Al2Cl6

How many atoms are there in aluminum chloride?

Four or eight, depending on the state. It exists as AlCl3 or Al2Cl6.

Why aluminium chloride sublime at 180 degree celsius?

The sublimation of a molecule depends on the intermolecular forces. Since Aluminium Chloride exists as a dimer, Al2Cl6. It has weak intermolecular forces (also, Vander Waal Forces) due to which it sublimes at a relatively low temperature of 180 degree Celsius.

Sodium and calcium chlorides are extended ionic solids Aluminium trichloride is a dimer Al2Cl6 This is because?

The electronegativity of aluminum is higher than the electronegativity of sodium

How many Al atoms and how many Cl atoms are in aluminum chloride?

The ratio in aluminum chloride is 1:3 aluminum to chloride ( AlCl3 or Al2Cl6 )

Is FeCl3 an ionic compound?

Solid FeCl3 (ferric chloride or Fe(III) chloride) is indeed ionic. there are two forms the anhydrous and hexahydrate FeCl3.6H2O. In the vapour phase it forms a dimer Fe2Cl6 which has the same chlorine bridged structure, Al2Cl6 ,as aluminium trichloride does in the vapour phase. The bonding in this well its probably best described as polar covalent.

How does electronegativity correlate with ionic bonding?

If the difference in electronegativity between the two atoms is greater than 2.0, then the bond is ionic. If one of the elements is a metal the rule is then relaxed a little to a difference of 1.6. Compounds on the "boundary of the rules" such as aluminium chloride Al, 1.61 Cl, 3.16 exhibit ionic and covalent tendencies. Al2Cl6 in the solid is ionic but in the liquid and vapour dimerises to form Al2Cl6 molecules.