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An atom with 55 protons is a cesium atom. The mass number is the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons, in this instance 131. Therefore, the atom is Cs-131.

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Q: An atom with 55 protons and 76 neutrons?
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What is the number of protons neutrons and electrons in osmium?

By one mole of osmium, we can say that it contains 6.02 x 10 23 atom. So we can say that one osmium atom contains 76 electrons: 2, 8, 18, 32, 14, 2.

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Atomic number 76 is Osmium, the densest element. Its atomic mass is 190. Atomic number tells you the number of protons, so 76 protons. Atomic mass tells you the sum of protons and neutrons, so there are 190-76 = 114 neutrons.

How many neutrons in osmium?

The number of neutrons in the main isotopes of osmium and their abundance is116 (41%),114 (26%),113 (16%),112 (13%)There are three more isotopes with fewer protons and abundance below 5%.

How many protons and neutrons are found in the iodine 129 atom?

It's 53, because the number of protons equal the element's atomic number. You can easily find it on a periodic table.

How many protons and neutrons in te-128?

Te-128 has 52 protons, 52 electrons, and 76 neutrons.

Osmium has how many protons?

An osmium atom has 76 protons.

What is the mass number of an atom of iodine with 76 nuetrons?

The mass number of an atom is determined by the number of neutrons and protons. Since you already know the number of neutrons, you just need the number of protons, then you can add them together. I happen to know that iodine has 53 protons, so that means that the mass number is 127.It is the protons and neutrons added together so when you add 53 and 74 you get 127! Hope that helped a lot!! :):):):):):):)

How many protons and electrons are in tellurium?

There are 52 protons in an atom of tellurium. The number of neutrons varies, however, as there are a number of isotopes of this metalloid. There are 70, 72, 73 and 74 neutrons in stable isotopes of tellurium, and 68, 71, 76 and 78 neutrons in four radioactive isotopes which can be found naturally. In all, there are isotopes of tellurium with 53 thorough 90 neutrons. A link can be found below for more information.

Has 114 neutrons within its nucleus?

Osmium, if you take the Atomic Mass (190.2) and subtract the Atomic number (76), you get the result of 114, this is the number of protons, not the protons and neutrons combined.

How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of osmium?

76 of them.

Which element has 114 neutrons 76 protons and 76 electrons?

Platinumit has 6 naturally occurring isotopes: 190 (78 protons and 112 neu-trons), 192 (78 protons and 114 neutrons), 194 (78 protons and 116 neu-trons), 195 (78 protons and 117 neutrons), 196 (78 protons and 118 neu-trons), 198 (78 protons and 120 neutrons).

How many electrons and protons are in gold?

79 protons and electrons 118 neutrons