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Technically, not necessarily. But pretty much yes.

The strict definition of a molecule the smallest particle of a substance. If that substance is a pure elemental solid then its molecule is probably a single atom, so it's obviously not more complex than an atom. But most of the time when people say "molecule" they are referring to larger ones, which are made of two or more atoms bound together is some particular structure, which is certainly more complicated than a single atom.

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Q: Are atoms less complex than molecules?
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Do molecules and atoms have anything in common?

Molecules are formed with bonds between either atoms or ions, which are just charged atoms(more or less electrons than protons). In English (not nerd): a molecule is made from atoms.

Are atoms bigger than molecules?

No. Molecules are made of atoms.

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Molecules are formed with bonds between either atoms or ions, which are just charged atoms (more or less electrons than protons). (:

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Is an atom more complex than a molecule?

An atom is and element. Atoms are the simplest particles of an element. A bar of pure gold is composed of gold (Au) atoms. In a sense then, the atoms that make up this bar of gold are simpler than the entire bar. However, the terms "atom" and "element" describe different levels of magnitude. An atom is a single particle of an element. An element is a pure substance composed of atoms, not compound molecules.

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Molecules are not always equivalent to molecules, as some molecules have more atoms than other molecules, and other molecules have different kinds of atoms than other molecules.

What is the difference between molecule and an atom?

All matter is made of of atoms. Atoms can be bonded together to make molecules. For example, The molecule H2O is made up of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen. Atoms can be charged as anions or cations. In molecules there is more than 1 atom held together by a chemical bond. Molecules are neutral. Molecules may be elements or compounds. Atoms are always smaller than molecules. Molecules are always larger than atoms. Atoms are always lighter than molecule. Molecules are always heavier than atoms.

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Atoms bond for the purpose of obtaining an easier to maintain, lower energy state.

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How are molecules different than ions or atoms?

Molecules have no net electric charge; ions do.

Are all atoms molecules?

No atoms are molecules! An atom is singular A molecule is more than 1 atom bonded together

What causes wood to not conduct electricity?

Conductors have a different molecular structure than wood and nonconductors do. For example, the atoms in copper allow electrons to "flow" through the protons and neutrons like a liquid. Wood, however, uses less complex molecules in its structure, such as carbon.