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No, cellular respiration, the central process of our metabolism, produces carbon dioxide and water.

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Q: Are carbon monoxide and water the products of metabolizing food?
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Products of incomplete combustion?

Carbon, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Water C + CO + CO2 + H2O

When methane burns in the presence of insufficient oxygen the products of the reaction include carbon monoxide?

Yes, the products of CH4 + O2 (Methane + Insufficient Oxygen) are water and carbon monoxide.

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water vapour, carbon dioxide, solid carbon ,and carbon monoxide

What is the product of metabolizing food?

carbon dioxide and water

Does electric water heaters have carbon monoxide?

Electric water heaters have not carbon monoxide.

What gases are contained in the products of incomplete combustion?

Incomplete combustion means burning in a lack of air (not enough oxygen). If there is not enough oxygen available for all the carbon to turn into carbon dioxide (complete combustion), then some or all of the carbon turns to carbon monoxide. This happens with any hydrocarbon - we shall take methane as an example. During incomplete combustion methane gas burns with a yellow flame (unlike the clear blue flame seen in complete combustion). Carbon particles (sooty marks) may also be seen. methane + oxygen carbon monoxide + water. 2CH4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO(g) + 4H2O(l)

When petrol or diesel is combusted in vehicles what are the products formed?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). There can also be some carbon monoxide formed (CO).

What two products are a result of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons?

Soot (carbon) and carbon monoxide - as opposed to full combustion which results in water and carbon dioxide

Decomposed products of ammonium nitrate mixed with methanol at high temperature?

water, either carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide or a mixture, and nitrogen

Can you vent the exhaust vent of a upstairs natural gas dryer into the basement without being carbon-oxide poisoned?

No. Products of combustion are: carbon dioxide, water, carbon monoxide, and light Carbon monoxide this is why it is vented outside. CO is odorless and can KILL YOU.

What are all the products of hydrocarbon combustion reaction?

Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen

In the burning of gasoline what are the products?

If there is an excess of oxygen, the two main products should be carbon dioxide gas and water vapour. If the oxygen supply is limited, the fuel will undergo incomplete combustion and produce carbon monoxide, water, and sometimes carbon. Hope that helped!