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Temporary, as are ALL chemical bonds.

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Q: Are hydrogen bonds temporary or permanent?
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What has a permanent dipole but no Hydrogen bonds?

methanal, pentanal etc

Do the elements that form hydrogen bonds in biological systems include oxygen and nitrogen?

Yes. Both of these atoms have at least one electron pair that is not always chemically bonded in any permanent way but can interact transiently with the positive charge of the nucleus of a chemically bonded hydrogen atom to form the temporary attractions designated as hydrogen bonds.

Are water molecles joined by ionic bonds or hydrogen bonds?

Water molecules H2O consist of two hydrogens each joined to a central oxygen attom by covalent bonds. Water molecules stick to one another by hydrogen bonds, but these are not permanent bonds in the liquid.

Why oil is not dissolve in water?

oil is non-polar, so cannot form bonds with the water molecules - water molecules are polar, and hydrogen-bond to each other so for a substance to dissolve in water is must also be polar in order to form hydrogen bonds or permanent dipole - permanent dipole bonds.

Why are the hydrogen bonds in liquid water are less stable than in ice?

Because in water hydrogen bonding is not permanent due to random motion where as in ice it is permanent also in ice also lower

Why hydrogen has different boiling point than hydrogen chloride?

Because hydrogen is an element but hydrogen chloride is a polar compound so needs more energy to overcome the permanent dipole bonds. :)

Are the words temporary and permanent are they homophonesantonyms or synonyms?

Temporary and permanent are antonyms. Temporary means for a short period of time and permanent means for a long time/forever.

What is permanent and temporary system?

permanent is where you stay somewhere temporary is you stay there for a little while

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What chemical groups are hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen bonds?

A hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen bonds is nitrogen.