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Well, non metals are a gas at room temperature and so, they were never really a solid in the first place.

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Some nonmetals are solid; an example is iodine.

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Q: Are nonmetals solid at room temperature?
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What is the state at room temperature of a non metal?

Nonmetals can be solid, liquid and gas at room temperature.

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At room temperature, polonium is a solid. However, at elevated temperatures, it may be turned into a liquid or even a gas (at very high temperatures). Polonium is a metalloid, having properties between metals and nonmetals.

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What are most nonmetals at room temperature?

Gases at room temperature

Are most nonmetals are liquid?

Most nonmetals are not liquid at room temperature, as they are gasses. The only nonmetal that is in a liquid state at room temperature is bromine.

Selenium state of matter at room temperature?

The element, Selenium, is a solid at room temperature.

Are many of nonmetals are gases at room temperature?

Nonmetals are gases but also solids.

Are nonmetals a state of matter at room temp?

Everything has a 'State of Matter' be it Solid, Liquid or Gas. Non-metals are either gases or solids, with the exception of Bromine , which os a liquid.

Are all nonmetals liquid at room temperature?

No. In fact the only non-metal that is a liquid at room temperature is Bromine, and even that can be considered a gas at times. The only other liquid in the periodic table is Mercury, which is a metal.

What is boron normal state or phase at room temperature?

At room temperature and standard pressure the element Boron is a solid.

What non-metallic element is solid at room temp?

Some non-metals like carbon, sulphur, phosphorus,selenium iodine are solids at room temperature. carbon is also a solid at room temperature and even though Non-metals are not able to conduct electricity or heat very well. As opposed to metals carbon in the form of powdered graphite allowed its use as a semiconductor