

Best Answer

Chemical changes create new substances and cannot be reversed.

  • Burning paper
  • Lighting a match
  • Mixing sugar and water

Physical changes do not create new substances and can be reversed.

  • Crushing a can
  • Tearing paper
  • Chopping wood
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Q: Are physical and chemical changes simply reversible and non reversible changes?
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What is the difference between a chemical reaction and physical change?

The difference between them is that in a chemical reaction, the chemical make up of the substance put into the experiment is changed or modified. In a physical change, only the physical attributes of the substance is changed, like size, shape, color, density, etc.

Is forming a bar of copper into a wire chemical or physical change?

Physical. It is simply changing the shape or configuration of solid copper to another shape. Chemical changes cannot be reversed.

When cooking a piece of bacon is that a physical or chemical change?

Frying bacon is a chemical change. In addition to simply heating the bacon, frying it causes certain molecules to react and change. For instance, some protein molecules may be broken down. This is why cold fried bacon tastes different than cold raw bacon.

Why dissolution of NaCl in water is a physical change not a chemical change?

It has been argued whether this is a chemical or physical change. It can be viewed as a chemical change since the Na ion and Cl ion are separated from the crystal lattice, and then become hydrated by water molecules, thus changing the actual chemical structure. However, this is a REVERSIBLE chemical change. Thus, if you evaporate the water, you end up with the same crystalline structure (lattice) that you began with, and so it may now be viewed as simply a physical change. There is no consensus as to which is correct, IMHO.

Is water freezing at zero degrees Celsius physical or chemical change?

Physical. Ice is simply the solid form of water. If it were a chemical change, then ice would not be water.

Related questions

What is is a physical change?

A physical change is simply, a temporary change, which changes the physical characters of an object like its color, shape, size etc. It is a reversible change.

Is toasting bread is reversible change?

Yes because it is a chemical reaction and these reactions are irreversible

Can a chemical change be reversed by a chemical change?

It Looks like your tryhing to cheat on Science TeeHee Chemical changes cannot be reversed but phyical changes can ! I disagree. Some chemical changes can be reversed. If you boil off the water and catch it in a container when it evaporates, the water will be back. If you then look at the bottom and possibly sides of your beaker there will be only salt left behind.

What is the difference between a chemical reaction and physical change?

The difference between them is that in a chemical reaction, the chemical make up of the substance put into the experiment is changed or modified. In a physical change, only the physical attributes of the substance is changed, like size, shape, color, density, etc.

Is melting butter a physical change or chemical change?

As you may know, determining whether a change is chemical or physical can sometimes be a real pain! This particular change is a hard one. If your talking about butter slightly melting on a hot day because it was left out on the counter, THAT is a physical change and is reversible by simply putting the butter into the fridge. However, melting butter on the stove and having it completely turn to liquid and turn a little brown, THAT is a chemical change and is hard to reverse... a chemical change has occurred while the butter was over the heat.

What is a physical versus chemical change?

A PHYSICAL CHANGE MEANS CHANGE IN EXTERNAL APPEARANCE .A CHEMICAL CHANGE MEANS THE CHANGE IN THE PARTICLES BY WHICH IT IS MADE up OF.Physical Changes are d changes which are reversible .In this change we can get the products back. eg-Mixing of water and salt ,we can get salt back .Chemical changes are d changes which are irreversible . In this change we cannot get the products back . eg- Burning of candle , we cannot get the matchstick back after burning .

Is forming a bar of copper into a wire chemical or physical change?

Physical. It is simply changing the shape or configuration of solid copper to another shape. Chemical changes cannot be reversed.

Why Is water boiling a physical reaction?

Because it just is. Because no chemical reaction takes place when water boils. It simply changes physical form from liquid to gas.

When cooking a piece of bacon is that a physical or chemical change?

Frying bacon is a chemical change. In addition to simply heating the bacon, frying it causes certain molecules to react and change. For instance, some protein molecules may be broken down. This is why cold fried bacon tastes different than cold raw bacon.

Is the melting point of silver a physical or a chemical property?

The change in the state of matter between solid, liquid and gas are not chemical changes. The melting point of a substance, silver in this case, is a physical characteristic.

Is heating a chocolate chemical change?

Yes, burning of a sparkle is a chemical change because once sparkle has changed its form it cannot come into its previous form. For understanding you can also take the example of cooked rice which once cooked cannot be raw again.

Does a physical change make the substance that undergoes it a different substance if not then what can change?

After a physical change a substance does not change its chemical composition it simply changes its state as, water to ice or vapours.