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It has a full outer shell of electrons

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It has a full outer shell of electrons.

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Q: Argon is a stable gas with a very high ionization energy Which statement explains why?
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Why are the noble gases not included in the trend in ionization energy?

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals are are stable. they do not donate electrons and hence are not included in ionization energy trend.

Equation for third ionization energy of litium?

Lithium ====> Li , Electronic configuration { 1S2 2S1 } So we have only first ionization An the second will be from Complete stable energy level that need great amount of energy to remove it And that is impossible

What is ionising?

Ionization energy is defined as the energy required to make a stable atom into an ion.

Do noble gasses ionize?

You can ionize them under certain conditions. The difficulty is that the ionization energy is high as they have a stable octet.

What energy is needed to remove an electron from its outer most shell?

This is called the ionization energy and an is different for each electron in the atom. Electrons in the outer shell (furthest from the nucleus) have the lowest ionization energy, electrons in the innermost shell (closest to the nucleus) have the highest ionization energy.

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What is ionising energy?

When an element is in the gaseous state, it is the energy absorbed by that element to make one(the first) outer most electron leave the atom .

Why is the fifth ionization energy of carbon so much larger than its fourth?

because when ionizing it from 3+ to 4+ it has only a filled orbital which is relatively stable (just as a noble gas). When you want to take away one more electron you do not end up with a filled orbital so this is less stable and will cost much more energy. The sixth ionization energy however should be quite low as well, because after that the carbon ion has no more electrons left which is also a reasonably stable state (compare to H+)

Which statement explains how determining the age of the remains of living things is similar to dating rocks?

Organisms and rocks both contain stable and unstable elements.

Why the first ionization energy decrease greatly from helium to lithium?

It is difficult to remove electron from He than Li. LI easily loses electron and reach stable state.

Why does fluorine has higher ionization energy than neon?

because neon is a noble gas which has stable electronic configuration ,but this is not the same in case of fluorine.This means we have to give high energy to gaseous neon atom to ionise it.

What is the process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable?

The process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable is called ionization.