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Q: Bonds are attractive forces that hold compounds together What role do valence electrons play in the formation of bonds?
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Do binary ionic compounds have bonds that share two valence electrons?

No. Ionic compounds are held together by ionic bonds.

Can atoms in molecular componds share electrons?

Atoms in molecular compounds not only can but must share electrons, in order to form the covalent bonds that hold molecular compounds together!

How are atoms in molecules and compounds joined together?

By a Chemical Bond, Bonded at the Valence electrons

Why are atoms and compounds held together?

The atoms in compounds are held together by chemical bonds

Why are electrons shared in molecular compounds?

The sharing of electrons is what makes them molecular compounds. If they didn't share, then they would be ionic compounds. So, depending on what atoms or elements are bonding together, you will have sharing or not. Whether they share or not is more complicated, but has to do with electronegativity and electron configurations.

What are a group of molecules held together by?

Molecules are held together by chemical bonds. More likely electrons that are shared between two bonded atoms which are compounds

What holds covalently bonded atoms together and what are the properties of molecular compounds?

In a covalent bond the electrons are shared between atoms.

Is an atom a smallest particle when to compounds join together?

A compound is a number of atoms have combined together, such as CO which is carbon monoxide. When 2 compounds join together you just get a bigger compound like CaCO3 calcium carbonate. The individual items in these compounds are the atoms, though they might have had to share some electrons (becoming ions), depending on how the combination happens.

How are the topics of ion formation and periodic trends related?

Periodic trends affect how certain elements on the periodic table react with each other. For example, Ionization energy tend : metals want to give off electrons , non metals want to gain electrons. This trend is essentially which elements are likely to react together and how they would react together, which is essentially ion formation (gain or loss of electrons through a reaction).

What types of elements bond with each other?

How do elements bond together to form compounds?Elements join together by gaining, sharing, or losing electrons.

What are two ways atoms can combine to form compounds?

You can form compounds with ionic bonds, or covalent bonds. Example 1: Salts are bonded together with ionic bonds, such as NaCl or CuCl2. When compounds have ionic bonds it is the electrostatic force between the atoms that bonds them together. Example 2: Inorganic/organic molecules are mostly bonded together with covalent bonding. this means that the atoms share pairs of electrons with each other, and there is a equilibrium between the attractive and repulsive forces between the atoms. CO2, EtOH, H2O all have covalent bonds "holding" the molecule together

Lonci compounds are held together by?

Lonci compounds are held together by