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Hydrogen is higly explosive ! Remember the Hindenburg disaster.

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Q: Both hydrogen gas and helium gas are lighter than air. Why is helium used to lift blimps instead of hydrogen?
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A flammable gas once used to fill blimps?

Hydrogen is not used in blimps any longer because it is flammable and dangerous (see: Hindenberg)

Why are helium used instead of hydrogen for balloons?

Helium is an inert light gas where as hydrogen is an explosive gas andto dangerous to use.Hope this answers your question.

What is the significance of the discovery of helium?

Helium has benefited the entire human race! Because it is lighter than air, airships (such as Goodyear advertisement blimps) and balloons are inflated with helium for lift. While hydrogen gas is approximately 7% more buoyant, helium has the advantage of being non-flammable (in addition to being fire retardant). In rocketry, helium is used as an ullage medium to displace fuel and oxidizers in storage tanks and to condense hydrogen and oxygen to make rocket fuel. It is also used to purge fuel and oxidizer from ground support equipment prior to launch and to pre-cool liquid hydrogen in space vehicles. For example, the Saturn V booster utilized Helium. It is utilized in glasses, ceramics and other synthetic materials.

Why is helium used in a zeppelin?

Helium is much less dense than air, meaning it can provide lift. The only gas lighter than helium is hydrogen, which is too dangerous to use for such a purpose because it is extremely flammable. Helium, on the other hand is completely nonflammable. Aside from hydrogen no other gas is anywhere near as light as helium.

The two elements most abundant in the universe are?

Hydrogen and helium are the two most abundant elements in the universe.

Related questions

What air do blimps use?

Blimps use lighter than air gasses namely hydrogen or helium.

Do they still use helium in blimps?

Yes they do, as helium is lighter than air and blimps will float.

What is helium mostly found in?

In helium balloons and blimps. Helium is lighter than air. So balloons or blimps filled with helium will float or rise up

Which is lighter - helium or hydrogen?

Hydrogen is lighter than Helium.

Why do modern spacecraft use helium instead of hydrogen?

Helium is much safer, so it is often used in balloons and blimps, not spacecraft.Hydrogen is still used as a fuel. Helium will not burn.

What is the noble lightweight element used by goodyear?

Goodyear is well known for its blimps. In order for these blimps to float, they contain a lighter than air gas. Hydrogen is to dangerous for this purpose, so helium is used. Thus, helium is the noble gas used by Goodyear.

What does helium have in it that makes it float?

Helium is lighter than air. Hence balloons or blimps filled with helium will float.

What gas law explains the replacement of hydrogen to helium in blimps?

The replacement of hydrogen in blimps with helium is not based on the gas laws but rather on the fact that hydrogen is highly flammable whereas helium is entirely non flammable. In fact based on the gas laws hydrogen would actually be better for blimps because its has lower molecular mass and is therefore less dense than helium.

How do blimps work?

Blimps are filled with Helium which is lighter than air thus causing the blimp to rise like a hot air balloon. Hydrogen used to be used, however Hydrogen is highly flamable resulting in so major accidents.

What objects contain helium?

Helium is generally used in helium balloons and blimps. Helium is lighter than air and these items will float in air

How does helium help flight?

Helium is lighter than air. So balloons or blimps filled with helium will rise up and float.

A flammable gas once used to fill blimps?

Hydrogen is not used in blimps any longer because it is flammable and dangerous (see: Hindenberg)