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NH3 can accept a proton ( hydrogen ion ) to become NH4(-), ammonium. This is the definition of a base; accepting protons. NH3 is a weak base.

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Yes, ammonia can be classified as a base because it behaves as a proton acceptor, forming ammonium ion (NH4+) by accepting a proton (H+). While it does not contain the hydroxide ion like strong bases do, it still has the ability to accept protons and undergoes the same characteristic reactions as bases.

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Q: Can ammonia NH3 be classified as a base even though it does not contain the hydroxide ion OH Why or Why not?
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What is the difference between ammonia and anhydrous ammonia and ammonium hydroxide?

Anhydrous ammonia is really just ammonia in fact. "Anhydrous" means without water, and anhydrous ammonia is just pure ammonia without water.It is to distinguish it from ammonia in water solutions because when added to water ammonia forms ammonium hydroxide:NH3 + H2O ---> NH4+ + OH-Ammonium hydroxide is frequently referred to as ammonia because you make it by adding ammonia to water, but it isn't really ammonia. It is much more commonly though because it is easier to handle (ammonia is a gas).See the Web Links for more information about ammonia.

What is Ammonium Hydroxide?

Ammonium hydroxide is a solution of ammonia gas in water, commonly known as ammonia solution. It is used in cleaning products, fertilizers, and as a source of ammonia for various industrial processes. It is a colorless liquid with a strong odor of ammonia.

Why ammonium hydroxide cannot be primary standard?

Ammonium hydroxide cannot be used as a primary standard because it is not a pure compound; it is a mixture of ammonia gas (NH3) dissolved in water. The concentration of ammonia in the solution can vary due to its volatility. Additionally, ammonium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, affecting its concentration and leading to inaccuracies in measurements.

Is NH3 alkaline?

Yes, ammonia (NH3) is alkaline because it reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), which is a weak base. This solution can then release hydroxide ions (OH-) which can accept protons (H+) from acids, making the solution basic.

Why does ammonia hydroxide not react with calcium?

Ammonia hydroxide does not react with calcium because ammonia hydroxide is a weak base and does not have the ability to displace calcium from its compounds. In addition, calcium is a highly reactive metal and forms a stable oxide layer on its surface, which prevents further reactions with weak bases like ammonia hydroxide.

Related questions

What is the difference between ammonia and anhydrous ammonia and ammonium hydroxide?

Anhydrous ammonia is really just ammonia in fact. "Anhydrous" means without water, and anhydrous ammonia is just pure ammonia without water.It is to distinguish it from ammonia in water solutions because when added to water ammonia forms ammonium hydroxide:NH3 + H2O ---> NH4+ + OH-Ammonium hydroxide is frequently referred to as ammonia because you make it by adding ammonia to water, but it isn't really ammonia. It is much more commonly though because it is easier to handle (ammonia is a gas).See the Web Links for more information about ammonia.

What is Ammonium Hydroxide?

Ammonium hydroxide is a solution of ammonia gas in water, commonly known as ammonia solution. It is used in cleaning products, fertilizers, and as a source of ammonia for various industrial processes. It is a colorless liquid with a strong odor of ammonia.

Why ammonium hydroxide cannot be primary standard?

Ammonium hydroxide cannot be used as a primary standard because it is not a pure compound; it is a mixture of ammonia gas (NH3) dissolved in water. The concentration of ammonia in the solution can vary due to its volatility. Additionally, ammonium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, affecting its concentration and leading to inaccuracies in measurements.

Chemical formula of ammonium hydroxide?

The Chemical formuls for ammonium hydroxide is = NH4OHAdded:I'm very sorry to inform you that ammonium hydroxide, much better known as ammonia, does NOT exist. Citation in wikipedia:Ammonium hydroxide, also known as ammonia water, ammonical liquor, ammonia liquor, aqua ammonia, or aqueous ammonia, is a solution of ammonia in water. It can be denoted by the symbols NH3(aq). Although its name suggests a salt with composition [NH4+][OH−], it is not actually possible to isolate samples of NH4OH - it exists only in dilute aqueous solutions.NH4+ is not an alkali metal, though it forms halogenides, nitrates and other salts like K+ and Na+.In a 1M ammonia solution, about 0.42% of the ammonia is converted to ammonium, NH4+, equivalent to a pH of 11.63.NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH−.The base ionization constant isKb = [NH4+][OH-]/[NH3] = 1.8×10−5The name is ammonium hydroxide, and is an ionic compound composed of two polyatomic ions, NH4+, the ammonium ion, and OH-, the hydroxide ion. The formula for ammonium hydroxide is NH4OH.

Why does ammonia hydroxide not react with calcium?

Ammonia hydroxide does not react with calcium because ammonia hydroxide is a weak base and does not have the ability to displace calcium from its compounds. In addition, calcium is a highly reactive metal and forms a stable oxide layer on its surface, which prevents further reactions with weak bases like ammonia hydroxide.

Is NH3 alkaline?

Yes, ammonia (NH3) is alkaline because it reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), which is a weak base. This solution can then release hydroxide ions (OH-) which can accept protons (H+) from acids, making the solution basic.

Is nh3 organic or inorganic compound?

NH3, or ammonia, is considered an inorganic compound. Organic compounds typically contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, which ammonia does not have.

Is ammonium an acid or base?

Unlike it's weak base counterpart, ammonia (NH3), ammonium (NH4) is an acid.

Is pneumonia and ammonia the same thing?

No. Though they have similar lettering, pneumonia is a sickness, and ammonia is a cleaner.

What are some uses for ammonium oxide?

Ammonium oxide is not a common compound. It can be used in research as a precursor to other ammonia compounds or as a source of ammonia gas. It is unstable and highly reactive, so caution should be taken when handling it.

How many atoms does ammonium oxide have?

Ammonium oxide would be (NH4)2O though it doesn't exist.It would have 11 atoms in one molecule.Added:I agree: Ammonium oxide does NOT exist! Even the ammonium hydroxide, much better known as ammonia, doesn't exist. Citation in wikipedia:Ammonium hydroxide, also known as ammonia water, ammonical liquor, ammonia liquor, aqua ammonia, or aqueous ammonia, is a solution of ammonia in water. It can be denoted by the symbols NH3(aq). Although its name suggests a salt with composition [NH4+][OH−], it is not actually possible to isolate samples of NH4OH - it exists only in dilute aqueous solutions.NH4+ is not an alkali metal, though it forms halogenides, nitrates and other salts like K+ and Na+.In a 1M ammonia solution, about 0.42% of the ammonia is converted to ammonium, NH4+, equivalent to a pH of 11.63.NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH−.The base ionization constant isKb = [NH4+][OH-]/[NH3] = 1.8×10−5

Are Bacteria a species?

No, bacteria is a diverse group of microorganisms that are classified into different species based on their genetic and physical characteristics. There are thousands of identified bacterial species that vary in shape, size, and function.