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If by 'types' you mean can different atoms like Hydrogen(H) and Sulfur(S) bond together, the answer is yes. (H2S)

But by the same token, atoms can still bond with the same types of atoms. O2 P4

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Q: Can different types of atoms bond together to make a molecules?
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How many different types of molecules are there?

1. The atoms in the molecule are held together by ionic bonds. 2. The atoms are held together by covalent bonds. 3. The atoms are held together by coordinate covalent bonds. This is one answer to your question. Another answer is: 1. Polar molecules. 2. Non-polar molecules. Please be more specific in the future.

Geometric isomers are molecules that .?

Geometric isomers are molecules that contain the same number and types of atoms, and bonds. They have different arrangements of the atoms.

What kind of bond holds together atoms within molecules?

There are many types of bonds and forces that bind molecules together. The two most basic types of bonds are ionic and covalent.

What are molecules with the same number and types of atoms in different arrangements?

These are called isomers.

How atoms combine to make a bond?

Atoms combine together to form molecules. In molecules the consitutent atoms are held together by attractive forces. This attractive force which binds the atoms in a molecules is called as bond.

What is a substance that is formed from two or more types of atoms?

two or more atoms bonded together create a molecule

How can one type of atom be the basic of so many types of bio molecules?

There are 2 types of atoms and these make up the different bio molecules when combined

What are substances composed of different types of atoms bonded together?

A compound is composed of different kinds of atoms that are covalently bonded together. Compounds are made up from atoms of different elements.

Atoms within molecules are bound to each other by?

Atoms within molecules are bound by bonds of different types, but nothing physically attaches them, technically. Forces, almost all magnetic, help pull atoms together, though the strength of this force has to be stronger than the heat movement in order to actually hold these atoms together.

Are molecules made up of strong or weak atoms?

Molecules are formed from all types of atoms.

What are the different kinds of atoms in cholesteral?

cholestrol a tetra cyclic lrge molecules contains three types of atoms ,carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

What kind of bond holds together. Atoms within a molecule?

There are many types of bonds and forces that bind molecules together. The two most basic types of bonds are ionic and covalent.