

Can heat destroy a diamond

Updated: 8/10/2023
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8y ago

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Diamond has the highest melting point of any mineral: 3820 degrees Kelvin.

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Q: Can heat destroy a diamond
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How can you destroy a diamond?

adiamond can be destroyed by intense heat!

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Another diamond could mar, damage and otherwise 'destroy' a (cut) diamond, thus significantly diminishing its value.

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is this a serious question?, and yes it can it and will disintegrate it! Sunlight and an ordinary magnifying glass can destroy a diamond, they are just carbon and burn when heated enough!

Does diamond conduct heat?

yes diamond is a better conductor of heat than graphite because heat travels through the shared bond and thus heat can travel very fast as is rate of heat transfer through conduction is inversely proportional to the length.graphite is not as a good conductor of heat as diamond because heat is transferred through the free electron and is not as effective as conduction process in diamond.

What are the chemical compounds that can damage diamonds?

The thing that created it can destroy it. Intense heat can destroy a diamond. Diamond is super compressed allotrope of carbon. Concentrated Sulfuric acid (Oleum) cannot even change graphite from your pencil anyway so Diamond is out of question. Stomach acid is too weak (low molar Hcl). Try maybe Superfluoroantimonic Acid(antimony pentahydrate in a hydrofluoric acid base.) I good blow with a hardened steel chisel at angles specific to the fractional planes of the crystal lattice will easily shatter a diamond into diamond crystal shards. Diamonds were cleaved for centuries by this manner, and an amateur could destroy a gem quality diamond easily if not well trained. You could make a very expensive light from a diamond! Its called a carbon arc lamp. I don't know that a diamond carbon arc lamp has ever been tested but it would work the same way as a graphite based carbon arc lamp. The carbon would evaporate away into carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unburnt(sublimation technically) diamond dust. I wonder if a pink diamond would give off a tinted light! teehee 5 million dollars a carat! You can heat a diamond with a torch and place it in liquid oxygen it will chemically transform into gases. One can also use a simple device called a thermal lance. It will easily destroy a diamond.

Can dynamite destroy a diamond?

If you dynamite a diamond -- a foolish experiment at all levels: diamonds are expensive! -- what you'll end up with is lots of smaller diamonds that will be hard to find. You will not be able to 'destroy' a diamond with dynamite.

What can only destroy a diamond?

A diamond can be cut by another diamond, or polished into powder using a diamond wheel. Neither is recommended for an at-home trial.

In poptropica in the diamond mines in nabooti how can you remove the diamond off the rock?

destroy the rock with the pick axe

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Why a diamond is a carbon but not heat conductor?

because it is a heat conductor!