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Q: Can proton exist independently in nature?
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Which is an example of an alkali metal that does NOT exist independently in nature or in the laboratory?

All alkali metals exist in nature as compounds.

What is an example of an alkali metal that does NOT exist independently in nature or in the laboratory?

All alkali metals exist in the nature only as compounds.But I suppose that you think to francium, an unstable and radioactive chemical element.

Can unicellular organisms exist independently?

Yes, single-celled organisms can exist independently.

Where does the proton normally exist in an atom?

Proton normally exist in nucleus. Along with it are neutrons.

What bacteria does NOT move independently?

no exist,all bacterias can move independently

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Why do noble gases exist independently in nature?

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals. They are stable, chemically inert, do not generally form compounds and hence exist as isolated atoms.

Can atoms of krypton exist independently?

Yes: Atoms of krypton almost always do exist independently of chemical bonding to any other atoms.

What group of elements exist independently in nature due to their stable electron configurations?

The noble Gases, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn.... filled valence electrons

Why can some atoms exist independently?

bcz their energy is low thats why they can exist independently while the energy of some atoms is so high that they can only exist as ions or molecuoles not as free atoms

How is light energy different from both sound and heat energy?

Light energy can exist independently of matter. *Studyisland

Why is hydrogen called elemental gas?

Hydrogen is called elemental gas it is composed of single proton and single electron and can't exist in nature in single form. By pragya gk