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Q: Can you make tonic water from a NSA sparkling water system?
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Can tonic water make you test positive for cocaine?

It can, but you'd have to drink a LOT of tonic water to do it.

What is Gin with water in it?

Diluted Gin? That question does make any sense. If you mean What is Gin with tonic water then it is called a Gin and Tonic. Gin with tonic water and a lime slice with ice.

What is mixed with water to make it sparkling'?

Carbon dioxide.

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What is mixed with the water to make it sparkling?

Pull carbon dioxide under pressure in water.

What substance is added to cordial to make it dilute?

usually water is added (still or carbonated) but you can also add lemonade, soda water, tonic water you

How do you make a drink called a Black Mary?

coffee, tonic water, honey, and orange juice.

Could i use sparkling water and a sodastream flavor to make some soda instead of buying a sodasteam?


When you make glow in the dark jello how does the tonic water affect the out come of making it glow?

Actually, im doing this science project in school! I have to say how it glows. The molecular structure in the tonic water (guinine) molecules "excite" the molecules in the Jell-O and makes it glow.

Does Poland spring sparkling water make you gain weight?

Yes Anything you put into your body adds weights to your body. 1 Gallon of water is about 8 pounds.

Why does a lemon seed rise and fall in a glass of sparkling water and not in still water?

In sparkling (carbonated) water, tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide can cling to a lemon seed (or anything else in the water) and when they do so, they make the seed more buoyant. The bubbles can also float away from the seed, leaving it in a less buoyant state. As a result, the seed can rise and fall.

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