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2mo ago

No, it is not recommended to put ice cubes in the air conditioner. The AC unit is designed to cool the air by removing heat, not by using ice cubes. Putting ice cubes in the AC can cause damage to the unit and reduce its efficiency.

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Q: Can you put ice cubes in the air conditioner?
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What will happen if you put 3 ice cubes in a plastic cup for 10 minutes and then for the other 10 minutes you put the 3 ice cubes in a paper cup?

The ice cubes will melt at a relatively equal rate in both the plastic and paper cup. The paper cup may allow for slightly more heat transfer due to its thinner material, but the difference in melting time should be minimal. Both cups will have water from the melted ice cubes after 20 minutes.

Suppose you put equal amounts of saltwater and pure water into separate ice cube trays of the same size and shape When you put both trays in the freezer what do you expect to happen and why?

The ice cube tray with pure water will freeze first because salt lowers the freezing point of water, requiring more time for the saltwater to freeze. Additionally, the ice cubes from the saltwater tray will be slightly smaller and will melt at a lower temperature compared to pure water ice cubes.

What happens when you put ice cubes into liquid water?

The ice cubes will begin to melt as they absorb heat energy from the liquid water. This process will continue until the ice cubes reach the same temperature as the liquid water and completely melt, resulting in a colder water temperature overall.

What is the effect on temperature when ice water is put in the room temperature water?

The temperature of the room temperature water will decrease as the ice water absorbs heat from it, causing the ice to melt. Eventually, both the room temperature water and the ice water will reach a thermal equilibrium where their temperatures are the same.

When you put ice cubes into water why does the drink become cooler?

When ice cubes are added to water, they absorb heat from the surrounding water to melt, bringing down the overall temperature of the drink. This is because the ice requires heat energy to change its state from a solid to a liquid, and this energy is taken from the surrounding water, making the drink cooler.

Related questions

Can you put ice in a portable air conditioner?

No, you can not put ice into a portable air conditioner. I think you are actually referring to a portable air cooler, in which case, you can put ice into the water chamber.

When you put ice cubes in a jar what happens to the outside of the jar?

Condensation forms on the outside of the jar when you put ice cubes inside, due to the cold temperature of the ice cubes causing the surrounding air to cool and reach its saturation point. This results in moisture in the air condensing on the colder surface of the jar.

Can you put ice in front of air conditioner?

Yes you can put ice in front of your air conditioner. And as a matter of fact, for each ton of ice that you use up, you will have gotten a ton of cooling done. This is the origin of the term "Ton" as it is applied to cooling. A ton of cooling is 12,000 btuh. So if you use up a ton of ice per hour, it will give you the same cooling effect as a 12,000btuh window air conditioner!

What if ice cubes are put in kerosene?

If ice cubes are put in kerosene, the ice will melt due to the higher temperature of the kerosene. Kerosene has a lower freezing point than water, so it will not freeze the water in the ice cubes. The ice will eventually melt and mix with the kerosene, but they will not chemically react with each other.

Would ice cubes melt in hot water first or will the ice cubes freeze the water first?

The ice cubes will melt in the hot water first. The heat energy from the hot water will transfer to the ice cubes, causing them to melt.

Garbage disposal sharpening?

Put ice cubes in disposal and run water as usual until ice cubes are shredded.

What will happen if you put 3 ice cubes in a plastic cup for 10 minutes and then for the other 10 minutes you put the 3 ice cubes in a paper cup?

The ice cubes will melt at a relatively equal rate in both the plastic and paper cup. The paper cup may allow for slightly more heat transfer due to its thinner material, but the difference in melting time should be minimal. Both cups will have water from the melted ice cubes after 20 minutes.

Why do ice cubes pop when they are put in water?

Ice cubes pop when they are put in water because of a phenomenon known as thermal shock. The sudden temperature change causes the ice to rapidly contract, creating stress within the structure. This stress can lead to tiny cracks and fractures in the ice, resulting in the popping sound as air bubbles are released.

Is it harmful to put water in the freezer?

Not if you want ice cubes.

Why dont ice cubes melt when they are put in an ice box?

Ice cubes do eventually melt in an icebox, but at a slower rate compared to room temperature due to the insulation of the icebox. The icebox helps maintain a lower temperature inside, slowing down the melting process of the ice cubes.

What happens to the temperature of the drink when you put ice cubes in it?

the temperature decreases

Why doesn't ice float?

Ice does float, but if you put in multiple ice cubes, the ice cubes underneath can't push up over and on top, so it looks like they're floating in the middle of the glass.