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Q: Carbon exists as 12c6 and 14c6 these different forms of the same element are known as?
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What is the meaning of allotrope?

allotropy is a phenomenon where an element exists in different forms having different physical properties and same chemical properties is known as allotropy.

Different forms of the same element?

Allotropes-different forms of the same element ex. diamond and graphite for carbon different arrangement of the atoms Actually it is diamond, charcoal, and GRAPHITE... Not carbon

What is the smallest pice of an element?

Nominally an atom. However, some element's atoms combine with one another as molecules. For example, carbon is usually extant as C2. In diamonds carbon exists as C4 molecules. Such compounds that exist as elements in different forms are called allotropes.

What if your friend tells you that a shiny element has to be a metal do you agree?

No; think of carbon. This is a non-metallic element; it exists in the forms of diamond and graphite - both "shiny" substances.

Why are allotropes not a different element?

Allotropic carbon: Organic carbon graphite diamond All are pure carbon, just of different structural forms. In the case of carbon, lattice structural differences in the graphite and diamond forms.

Element that exists as two forms such as diamond or grapite and is found in the human body?

Carbon, it is found in every human cell and as diamonds and graphite

Which element forms max. no. of compounds?

Carbon is the element that forms maximum number of compounds

What is allotropywhat are allotropic forms of carbon?

Allotropy is when an element has different forms. Some allotropes of carbon include graphite, diamond, and Buckminsterfullerenes, as well as others.

What is the basic element that forms a diamond?

The basic element is carbon.

What do you call the existence of an element on two or more different forms such as carbon oxygen phosphorus and sulfur?


What element has 3 substances?

An element is a pure substance it can not be 3 different substances. However some elements can arrange themselves to look like completely different substances. These variations are called "Allotropes" of the element. The element Sulfur forms 30 solid allotropes, more than any other element. The next element to commonly form allotropes is the element Carbon, which forms - Soot (amorphous carbon), Graphite, Diamond, Buckminsterfullerene, Lonsdaleite, Graphine, and Carbon nanotubes.

Which element forms both coal and diamonds?

The element that forms both coal and diamond is Carbon.