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Q: Chemically inert atoms always have their outermost electron shell full?
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An electron that is found in the outermost shell of an atom and that determines the atoms chemical properties?

This electron is a valance electron.

The outermost electrons in an atoms electron cloud are called?

an ion

When atoms combine by sharing electrons in the outermost portion of their electron clouds what does it form?


What part of the Atom is involved in a chemical bonding with other Atoms?

the outermost electron shell

What parts of the atom will touch first when to atoms meet and react?

The valence electron. (The outermost electron) help it help s:))))

The smallest particle of a compound formed when the atoms combined chemically?


In which is an atom least likely to bond with other atoms?

If it's outermost electron shell is filled.

Will chlorine gain an electron?

Chlorine atoms have 7 outermost electrons and need to gain an electron to achieve the stability of a full valence shell.

In which case is an atom least likely to bond with other atoms?

If it's outermost electron shell is filled.

What are facts about lithuim from the periodic table?

Lithium is in Group 1. It is an alkali metal. Neutral atoms of lithium have one electron in their outermost 2s energy level. Because of this, lithium atoms will lose their outermost electron to nonmetals to form ionic compounds, such as lithium chloride, or lithium oxide. When a lithium atom loses its outermost electron, it becomes a lithium cation with a charge of 1+. A cation is a positively charged ion.

What particle of atoms affects how they react with other elements?

The electrons, or the electron cloud, of an atom affect how it reacts chemically with other atoms and molecules.

Why do atoms of each element have 1 outer-level electron?

They don't. Of the main group, or representative elements, group 1 elements are the only ones whose atoms have only 1 electron in their outermost energy levels.