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That depends on what material you are talking about.

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Q: Consider the phase diagram below What phase change occurs as the temperature of the sample at 3 atm is raised from -90ºC to -50ºC?
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Consider the phase diagram below What phase change occurs as the pressure on the sample at -50ºC is increased from 1 atm to 3 atm?


How does ice AND water and steam change its states of matter show with diagram?

actually change of state occurs because of the absorption of kinetic energy ice on absorbing heat increases its potential energy but not kinetic energy this is the reason why change of state occurs in the constant temperature this energy taken is used to overcome their force of attraction between the molecules because of which their spaces increases leading to change of state

When a phase change occurs does the temperature change?

you are dumber than my dog he licks up his own pee

The greatest change in temperature occurs at depths between?

0 and 1,000 m

Indicate the type of state change that occurs between each pair of points on the following phase diagrare you to e?

The diagram needs to be seen to know what the state of change is. Not seeing the diagram makes people not able to know what the change would be.

Why use LMTD and not mean temperature difference?

Because the temperature change that occurs across the heat exchanger from the entrance to the exit is not linear, and a logarithmic function best describes this temperature change.

A change of occurs during both freezing and melting?

A change in temperature occurs during both freezing and melting. Freezing and melting are physical changes since the chemical contents of the matter do not change.

Would the volume of oxygen change if it were moved into a larger container?

It does not because change only occurs when temperature is involved.

Can a material gain energy and not change temperature?

Yes quite possible. This occurs at the change of state. As water gets changed into steam heat will be supplied but the temperature would remain at the boiling temperature.

When does expansion occur?

Expansion occurs when there is a change in volume due to increased temperature. Contraction occurs when there is a decrease in volume due to decreased temperature.

When you mix two substances in a beaker and expect them to undergo a chemical change the temperature of the mixture does not change has a chemical change occurred?

a chemical change occurs

Which statement describes the phase change that occurs when dry ice is placed in an open container at room temperature?

Dry ice undergoes sublimation, an exothermic change, at room temperature.