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12y ago

The solid sphere model is the theory that atoms are seen as solid, indestructible spheres. This theory is used to explain how many chemicals work together to form new arrangements.

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Q: Description of Solid Sphere Model proposed by John Dalton?
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The billiard ball atom model was proposed by John Dalton.

Who discovered the indivisible solid sphere model?

John Dalton

How Dalton crookes thomsont Rutherford showed the early model of the atom?

dalton created a solid sphere model. He belived that the atom was one single sphere, and that diffrent elements were made of diffrent types of atoms.

Who proposed that the world is made up of atoms?

Democratus. (with an a) Dalton came up with the first model.

Who made a model of electrons surrounding the nucleus at a distance?

Dalton proposed planetary model. He kept electrons at a distance.

Did John Dalton's model of the atom look like a tiny solid sphere with a predictable mass for a given element?

I think it probably looked like a sphere. not positive.

Did Dalton's model of the atom include protons?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

18 The model of the atom proposed by Greek philosophers appears similar to the model proposed centuries later by Dalton What was the key difference between the two models?

The Greeks knew you could split an atom via nuclear fission, and used philospohy and logic. Dalton used experimental plates to check for a nucleus and came up with his model experimentally.

Did Dalton's model of the atom include protons neutrons and electrons inside the the atom?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

Did Dalton model of the atoms include protons neutrons and electrons inside the atom?

no, because according to him an atom is a tiny indestructable sphere with mass on it.

When was the Dalton's model developed?

The Dalton model was created in 1808.

What was the name of Dalton model?

Dalton's atomic model is one of the fundamentals of physics and chemistry. John Dalton named this model after himself.