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In neutral form, iridium should have 77 electrons. It also has 77 protons due to the fact that its atomic number is 77.

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Q: Determine the number of electrons in an atom of Iridium?
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Related questions

What atom has 77 electrons?

The one with atomic number 77, which is iridium.

How many neutrons does Iridium have?

1 atom of iridium has 77 electrons in total.

How do you determine the number of electrons inone atom of an element?

the number of electrons of an atom is the same as it's atomic number

What does the number of electrons in an atom determine?

In a neutral atom the total number of electrons is equal to the number of protons and atomic number.

How many electrons in iridium's atom?

the element Ir has 77 electrons

How can you determine the number of electrons in a atom?

The atomic number

How do you determine if an atom is an ion?

By the number of electrons.

What determine the charge of an atom?

It depends on the number of electrons and protons the charge of an atom depends on the number of electrons and the number of protons

Do electrons determine what kind of element an atom is?

The number of protons determine the element. It is equal to the atomic number. The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons only of the atom is neutral.

Why are the number of electrons in an atom important?

Electrons determine the chemical properties.

Can the mass number of an element be used to determine the number of electrons in an atom?

No. The mass number can be used, however, to determine the number of neutrons. Electrons can only be determined by knowing the atom's charge.

What parts of an atom determine its chemical properties?

Electrons determine the chemical properties of an atom.