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yes he did have 33

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Q: Did Lavoisier have only 33 elements in his original table?
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How many laws are there in the periodic table of elements?

The periodic table of elements does not contain laws, only elements.

Are the element sin the periodic table the only elements discovered?

Yes. The elements in the Periodic Table are the only elements that have been discovered. However, we are still discovering and synthesising more elements.

What is oil on the periodic table of elements?

Only elements are in the periodic table (about 100) but oil is not an element, it is a substance.

Which elements in period table are liquids?

At normal temperatures, Bromine and Mercury are the only elements on the Periodic Table of the Elements that are in liquid form.

Are compounds listed in the periodic table?

No. Only pure elements are listed in the periodic table of elements.

How many liquid are found in a periodic table?

Only 2 elements of the 126 elements in the periodic table are liquid.

Where is an element found on the periodic table?

Everywhere. The periodic table only has elements

Examples of acids of periodic table?

There are no acids on the periodic table, Only elements.

Are only the most important elements included in the periodic table?

no. all elements discovered (and proposed) are included in the periodic table

What does the periodic table have?

The periodic table has, what are called, elements. Elements are substances made up of only one type of atom.

How many identified elements does the periodic table show?

There are only 117 out of 118 elements on the Periodic Table that have been identified by research groups. Only 112 of the 117 have been recognized by the IUPAC. So, technically, there are 118 elements.

Which scientist developed the only periodic table of elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev published the first periodic table in 1869. He built on the work of several other scientists, including Antoine Lavoisier, Johann Dobereiner, Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de Chancourtois, and John Newlands, who had previously studied the best way to classify the elements.