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Hydrocarbons are one of the Earth's most important energy resources. The predominant use of hydrocarbons is as a combustible fuel source.

Mixtures of volatile hydrocarbons are now used in preference to the chlorofluorocarbons as a propellant for aerosol sprays, due to chlorofluorocarbons impact on the ozone layer.

Hydrocarbons are currently the main source of the world's electric energy and heat sources (such as home heating) because of the energy produced when burnt. Often this energy is used directly as heat such as in home heaters, which use either oil or natural gas. The hydrocarbon is burnt and the heat is used to heat water, which is then circulated. A similar principle is used to create electric energy in power plants.

As methane only releases one carbon dioxide for two water molecules, it is considered the cleanest fuel.

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15y ago
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10y ago

The disadvantages about organic compounds are very few.the major one to be brought in light is the issue about chloro floro carbon(cfc). cfc is an organic compound mostly used is aerosal sprays, in air conditioners (freon), this can cause depletion of ozone layer(holes)

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13y ago

Organic compounds are used for many different things. Daily life in today's world would be very hard to live in without organic compounds; in fact life would not be possible without organic compounds. For example, most of your body is made up of organic compounds. The food you eat is made up of organic compounds. Even the flavorings and colorings on processed food are organic.

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10y ago

One benefit of using organic compounds in society is that they can be easily created. One disadvantage is that they break down easily.

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13y ago

Some organic compound may have a longer structural formula which may be really difficult to remember. For example =


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The meaning of life.... That is all!

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zikkimin rootu

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