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No, some have calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide, but not a strong base such as calcium hydroxide. However, medical doctors have prescribed calcium hydroxide as an antacid for severe acid reflux and severe heartburn.

Interestingly, when a molecule of calcium hydroxide collides with a molecule of carbon dioxide at room temperature, it readily becomes calcium carbonate plus water:

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O

However, when a solution of calcium hydroxide enters the human stomach, the primary chemical reaction is:

Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + 2H2O

[Calcium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid at room temperature to become calcium chloride plus water].

Calcium hydroxide is water-soluble. Calcium carbonate is not neutral-pH-water-soluble at room temperature. However, calcium carbonate is acidic-water-soluble at room temperature.

Because it is relatively harmless, calcium hydroxide is used as a preservative for glucomannan foods such as shirataki noodles and konnyaku cubes.

Calcium chloride is also relatively harmless and is used as a preservative in many foods. Although not quite as delicious as real salt, calcium chloride gives foods a salty taste and greatly reduces or completely eliminates the need for sodium chloride in pickles.

Calcium carbonate is the best-selling calcium supplement because it has a low price and also because it blocks about 65% to 70% of the absorption of heme iron, a cancer-causing and artery-clogging pro-oxidant. All other forms of calcium supplements can block only about 10% to 20% of the absorption of heme iron. People who swallow 300mg to 600mg of calcium daily as calcium carbonate are about 25% to 30% less likely to develop colorectal cancer than people who swallow other forms of calcium supplements or no calcium supplements at all.

Caution: Do not swallow more than 600mg of calcium from calcium supplements daily. Numerous scientific studies now say that people who swallow more than 600mg of calcium from calcium supplements daily are almost twice as likely to die of cardiovascular problems compared to people who don't swallow any calcium supplements.

Note: If you already suffer from calcified arteries, then eat a small amount (3oz is more than enough) of the Japanese fermented soybean food called, natto, every day. No other food and no prescription medicine can reverse arterial calcification. About half of all people with cardiovascular disease have calcified aortas when examined by chest X-ray.

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Q: Do antacids have calcium hydroxide in them?
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What base is the active ingredient is some antacids?

Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide and/or aluminum hydroxide are the bases of some antacids.

Which two bases are found in antacids?

Antacids are a base called magnesium hydroxide. They help to neutralize stomach acids and balance out the stomachs Ph.

Do all commercial antacids contain magnesium hydroxide?

No, many contains sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, or calcium carbonate instead.

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Most medications include antacids, which are weak bases (e.g. calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide) to neutralize excess stomach acid.

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Antacids are medicine that counteract acidity. The different types of antacids are sodium antacids (Alka-seltzers), calcium antacids (Tums) and magnesium antacids (Maalox).

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Indigestion tablets contain three main ingredients, these are: sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate and light magnesium carbonate. These are called antacids.

You want 4 bases and their uses?

1) Sodium hydroxide: used to make soap and paper 2) Calcium hydroxide: used to make cement and plaster 3) Ammonia: House cleaning product and fertilizer 4) Magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide are used in antacids to treat heartburn

What metal is present in calcium hydroxide?

Calcium is the metal present in calcium hydroxide..

What is calcium hydroxide?

Calcium hydroxide is not en element it is a compound.

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Calcium Hydroxide

Is calcium hydroxide?

Calcium hydroxide is not en element it is a compound.

What is the chemical CaOH 2?

Ca(OH)2 is calcium hydroxide, also known as slaked lime. It is highly alkaline (basic).