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polar liquids have a greater capillary action due to the adhesion and cohesion of polar substances such as water

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Q: Do polar or non polar liquids have a greater capillary action?
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What liquids is polar and which is non-polar c2h5oh c3h7oh and H2O?

All of these liquids are polar.

How is miscibility of 2 liquids related to their polarity?

in general, polar liquids are miscible with other polar liquids but are not miscible with nonpolar liquids.

What is responsible for capillary action of water?

Capillary action is a process powered by adhesion that causes water molecules to move upward through a narrow tube such as the stem of a plant. The adhesive force allows them to attach to the vessel walls.

What is a wather?

Water is H2O, 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen. Water is slightly polar (has an electric charge). Surface tension and capillary action are the properties that result from polar water molecules. Surface tension is the property of water molecules clinging to each other. Capillary action is just like surface tension except water clings to other molecules (e.g. glass, plastic).

What liquids-other than water-interact with materials by dissolving them?

When dealing with liquids, the rule of thumb is that like will dissolve like. This means that polar liquids will dissolve polar solids, and non polar liquids dissolve non polar substances. Fructose is polar, so it dissolves in water, and fats, as a non polar substance, will dissolve in kerosene.

What do you mean like dissolve like?

For example polar liquids dissolve polar solids, nonpolar liquids dissolve nonpolar solids.

Examples of miscible liquids?

Two miscible liquids are: Alcohol and water.Sorry if this isn't what you wanted.

What is the action of a polar bear?

The action of a polar bear is when they play they are kind of mean

What do you call the ability of water to climb upward in narrow tubes?

The adhesive forces of the polar water molecules to the glass surface, breaks the surface tension of the water and causes a capillary action up the sides of the tube.

Why does polar water dissolve in polar liquids?

Because they form strong Hydrogen Attraction bond

What are examples of polar liquids other than water?


What do fats dissolve in?

Non-polar liquids (like alcohol).