

Does carbon share electrons

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Carbon only forms covalent bonds, it always shares electons

If carbon is bonded to a more electronegative element, the electron pair will be closer to the more electronegative element making carbon the positive end of the bond.

If carbon is bonded to a less electronegative element, the electron pair will be closer to the carbon atom making carbon the negative end of the bond.

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13y ago

This is a very uneducated question. All atoms except the noble gases share their valence electrons so that they have a complete valence shell, this is covalent bonding.

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This question seems a bit unclear. Perhaps it meant something like: "how many electrons can be shared with carbon atoms?" Anyway, a carbon atom can share 4 electrons with other atoms, including other carbon atoms.

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The initial statement in this question is false, carbon atoms do share electrons with other carbon atoms. An example of when they do share electrons can be found in diamond, where the carbon atoms form a tetrahedral shape to form one of the strongest naturally occurring substances..

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Carbon would share electrons with the oxygen to form carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide.

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How many electrons does carbon share to complete its valence shell?

Carbon has 4 valence electrons. It needs four more to form the octet. So carbon will share four electrons

What Type of bonding all carbon compounds have?

mostly all carbon compounds have covalent bonding since carbon can't donate it's valence shell electrons it can share those electrons

How many electrons do carbon atoms always share?

They have 4. They "want" to share 8, but they don't always get to do so. Carbon monoxide is the best example of incomplete combustion.