

Does liquid to gas release heat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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No. When a liquid becomes a gas it absorbs heat.

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Q: Does liquid to gas release heat?
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Related questions

Which of the physical changes release heat?

Condensing (Gas>>Liquid), freezing (Liquid>>Solid)

Is there a release or absorption at heat in phase change?

It depends on the phase change. When going from solid to liquid (melting), liquid to gas (boiling), or solid to gas (sublimation) heat is absorbed. When going from gas to liquid (condensation), liquid to solid (freezing), and gas to solid (deposition) heat is released.

What phase changes involve the release of heat?

The phase changes that involve a release of heat are those in which the particles move closer together. Thus, freezing is one phase change that involves a release of heat. The other such change is condensation.

What change involves the release of heat energy into the surroundings?

Both condensation from gas to liquid, and freezing from liquid to solid, do.

What happens when you heat a liquid it becomes a?

When you heat a liquid it becomes a gas

What happens to solids liquids or gases when they absorbs or release heat?

They change phase. For example, upon absorbing heat, a solid can become liquid, and a liquid and become a gas. Vice versa when releasing heat.

How do Change a liquid from gas to liquid?

You lose heat.

When adding heat what does it change a liquid into?

a gas depending on the liquid, eventually gas.

When a liquid evaporates to a gas heat is?

When a liquid evaporates to a gas heat is gained. This process is more formally known as boiling.

Heat causes a gas to condense to a liquid?

Cold (lack of heat) does. Heat causes a liquid to become a gas. Gas>Liquid>Solid.

When does matter change state?

when water gains or loses heat, it changes its state. When liquid water gains heat, it changes its state from liquid to gas. It becomes water vapor. When solid gains heat, it melts an changes its state from solid to liquid. When gas loses heat, it condenses into liquid. Gas, to liquid. When liquid loses heat, it becomes solid

Which gas is liquid at ordinary temperature?

Any liquid can be a gas if you heat it strongly enough.