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Q: Does shaking a bottle mixed with rubbing alcohol and water help liquid dilute faster?
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Related questions

How do you diluted water?

to dilute water you have to add rubbing alcohol to it

How do I dilute citronella oil to spray on skin as insect repellent?

To dilute citronella oil, combine it with a liquid base. Try combining it with witch hazel, olive oil, vodka, or rubbing alcohol.

How do you remove moth ball smell in bureau?

The best idea that I came up with is dilute some rubbing alcohol with water and take a scrub brush to it.

Rubbing alcohol Spashed in my eyes help pleae?

Flush with water. The alcohol will not hurt your eyes if you wash it out. The water will dilute the alcohol.Again open your eyes and splash them with water until the burning stops.

Can you clean a Cd or DVD with rubbing alcohol?

most disc cleaning solutions are diluted alcohol and some silicone additive, so dilute the alcohol before use. Keep in mind that repeated use may cause etching over time.

How do you dilute volatile oil?


Where can irritant sign be found?

on a bottle of dilute hydrochloric acid

How do you reduce alcohol percentage?

Dilute it. Usually with water

What will happen when juice pour in a bottle with water?

Then the bottle contains a dilute juice . . . a mixture of juice and water.

What happens to a tattoo if someone uses rubbing alcohol to clean a tattoo?

It will typically burn the freshly braised skin and possibly dilute the newly applied pigment. A mild soap or typical "green-soap" is best to clean the area.

What does a wash bottle containing a dilute solution of alkali does?

it can cause of PH

How do I remove ink stains from ink pens?

Ink stain removal depends largely on the type of surface it is on. If there is ink stain on clothing, it is best to dilute it out with rubbing alcohol while the stain is fresh. For deeper stains, a stronger product such as oxiclean will need to be used.