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Yes. That is one of the properties that distinguishes it from liquids or gasses, both of which do not. ■

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Yes, the characteristics of a solid is a definite shape and a definite volume when it is left alone.

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Yes - a solid is defined by having a specific volume and a specific shape.

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No. Because it's solid. And therefore can't move.

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Q: Does solid takes the shape and volume of its container?
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What is defined a fluid?

A substance that is not a solid or gas, takes the shape of its container, has definite volume, but no definite shape.

What takes a shape of the container solid liquid or gas?

A gas and a liquid will both take the shape of their container. However only a gas will take on the volume of its container as well.

Matter that has volume and shape?

Matter that takes both the shape and volume of its container is a gas. A solid is characterized by having a definite shape and definite volume.

What is the shape of a liquid?

A liquid takes the shape of any solid that it is contained within. For example water within a square container will appear square, but water within a triangular container will appear triangular.

What State Of Matter Takes The Shape Of It's Container?

Gas is one of the four fundamental states of matter (with solid, liquid and plasma being the other states). It has the distinction of taking both the shape and the volume of the container that it is in. If you want to include plasma, that too will expand - acting like a gas. So will supercritical fluids which might be considered gases by some definitions, but not by others..

What is matter that has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container?

A liquid. A gas has no definite volume, as it's volume is whatever the volume of the container it is in happens to be. A solid, by it's nature of being solid, will not take on the shape of it's container.

What doesn't have a definite size and takes the shape of their container?

A gas or a plasma takes on the entire size (volume) and shape of its container. A liquid takes the shape of its container but always has a definite size (volume) and may not completely fill its container.

Do all Liquids have a fixed volume nd takes the shape of its container?

All liquids have a fixed volume and takes the shape of its Container.

Does a solid takes the shape of the container?


List properties of a liquid?

A liquid has a definite volume but an indefinite shape. It takes the shape of its container.

What BEST describes the physical state of matter that has a fixed volume but takes the shape of its container- Semi-solid - Solid-- Gas or Liquid?

the state of mater that has a definite shape is solid. solid always have a definite shape. on the other hand liquids and gases do not have a definite shape. they take the shape of their container.

What has a definite volume but no shape of?

a liquid. it takes the shape of its container