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Q: Does sulfuric acid have enough of a charge to be prone to lightning strikes?
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Lightning is electricity. How is charge conserved when lightning strikes?

Because there is a difference in the charge states of the earth and the clouds, resulting from the static electricity built up by water molecules moving about in the thundercloud. When this difference in charge states is equalized, there is usually a visible arc, which we call lightning.

What must happen before lightning strikes the ground?

Lightning will not strike unless there certain conditions are met. Lightning is a circuit, for it to strike the circuit must be complete or the energy will just keep moving without going anywhere or doing anything. To close the circuit, there are three places that lightning may strike.1. Within the cloudLightning does happen without us always seeing it. When the difference between the positive electrons in the upper part of the cloud and the negative electrons in the lower part is great enough, a discharge of energy in the form of electricity will take place and lightning strikes within the cloud.2. From one cloud to anotherAgain, when the difference of charges is great enough there will be a stroke of lightning to equalize the difference and regain equilibrium. In this situation, the charge difference is too great between adjacent clouds and the stroke is caused.3. From a cloud to Earth.Earth must obtain a charge before it can be the circuit connector for the process of lightning. This happens when a cloud above Earth's surface passes over and alters the charge of the ground. Earth acquires a positive charge from the passing cloud(s) and can then close the circuit; lightning strikes through the sky, from the cloud to the ground, completing the circuit. (Also see Electricity)

Can lightning strike anywhere?

Just about. It strikes when the electric potential has built up high enough to ionize the air. That can happen anywhere.

What is lighthning?

lightning occurs because of a sudden gain of electrostatic discharge by clouds. It is uncertain how exactly the electrical charge forms but it is known that it is caused when clouds crash into each other. Heavier molecules in the cloud carry the charge to the bottom of the cloud. A lot of people think lightning travels either from the ground up or from the sky to ground. Both are true depending on the charge (whether is + or -). There is also cloud to cloud lightning which acts the same way. When the charge is great enough to move through air resistance, it moves or "strikes" it is still sort of one of those 'mysteries'

Is it true that lightning strike only twice?

Nope - lightning can strike the same place multiple times if the object presents enough ionic attraction to ground the charge.

Can lightning travel through rock?

Fulgurites are objects of natural glass that are formed in certain instances when lightning strikes and fuses rock or silica sand. Technically, fulgerites are a form of igneous rock, but they are not referred to as 'lightning balls'. Ball lightning is a completely different and controversial topic.

Do two things neeed to be touching in order to transfer charge?

No, not if there's enough charge. Clouds in the sky transfer charge to the ground quite readily, without touching. When that happens, we call it "lightning".

When lightning strikes the sea do all the fish die?

No. If all the fish died, there would be no fish. Some fish unlucky enough to be too close, however, may die.

What is the process that creates or causes thunder?

Lightning appears when condensed water (think of clouds) turns into ice crystals and water droplets, and wind smashes this together, because of this energy the wind puts in this hail, positive and negative particles are separated. When there is enough of a charge difference lightning strikes either moving from one part of the storm to another or hitting the ground. Thunder is the sound produced by lightning. It occurs as the lightning instantaneously heats the air to tens of thousands of degrees. The air expands rapidly and sends out a shockwave.

What is lightning in clouds?

It is called Cloud-to-Cloud lightning for obvious reasons. It is caused by ice particles in the cloud rubbing together, foming electric charges. When enough charge is formed, it may jump to another cloud with an opposite charge. Hope this helped. :D

Can a object big as a pencil make electricity come out like lightning?

Yes... and no. To understand the concept of electricity you must understand what charge is, chage is what moves along in wires, and the flow of charge is what we know as electricity. Charge can be stored in things called capaciters. Some are indeed the size of a pencil, and can store huge amounts of charge, but none can store enough to create an effect such as lightning. Though they are powerful enough to create a spark which you can see when they are discharged.

What causes the charge separation in clouds?

The protons on Earth cause the charge separation in clouds. When these charges are powerful enough, the cloud's electricity is discharged toward the Earth's surface, causing lightning.