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It actually means "reacts to form".

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Q: Does the arrow means equals in a chemical equation?
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Albert remembers his teacher stressing that the arrow in a chemical equation does not mean equals. Instead he said the arrow meant?

reacting to form

What word does not state what the arrow means in a chemical equation?

If it reproduces.

What does the arrow mean in a equation?

It sort of means 'equals', but more correctly means 'gives' or 'produces'

What does an arrow show on a chemical equation?

it basically means = for example if you have C+O2-->CO2 the arrow seperates the product from the reactents

When do you use the up arrow in chemical reaction?

When writing a chemical equation, an arrow pointing up would indicate that a gas is going to bubble out of the solution. An arrow pointing down indicates that some product will precipitate out of the solution.

What is the small triangle above the horizontal arrow in a chemical equation?

It means heat was supplied to make the reaction occur.

What does the arrow in a chemical equation do?

Arrow means creates or yield(s) IE: Na + Cl ---> NaCl Sodium and Chlorine create/yield sodium chloride

What do the arrows mean an a scientific equation?

when you see an arrow on a scientific equation it means yield

What does a two direction arrow mean in a chemical equation?

We usually think of chemical reactions as reactions becoming products. Reality is that products can also become reactants by a reverse reaction. A two-directional arrow indicates that the "forward" and "reverse" reactions exist in a certain balance, or equilibrium.

In a chemical equation cr means what?

it means crystalline

Why do some chemical equations use double arrows while some do not?

A double arrow shows that the reaction is reversible, it represents an equilibrium in which the products on the right can react together and produce the left hand side. A chemical equation without a double arrow isn't reversible and can only go in one direction.

In a chemical equation (cr) means?

it means crystalline