

Does zinc react faster than iron?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does zinc react faster than iron?
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Because zinc is less reactive than iron on the reactivity series for metals, so the zinc will not single-replace the iron. Iron will replace zinc, however, in the reverse reaction.

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No, there would be no reaction present. This is because the particles are more reactive in the zinc then they are in the iron, thus creating no displacement reaction to occur between the metals.

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No. The zinc will react with the ferrous sulphate, dissolving the zinc and forming solid iron. This is due to the positions of iron and zinc in the activity series.See the Related Questions for more information about the activity series.

Does zinc react with iron sulphate?

Zinc and iron sulphate do react. Zinc is higher in the reactivity series than iron. It can therefore displace sulphate from the iron and 'take' the sulfate. Zinc + Iron Sulphate ------------> Zinc Sulphate + Iron The reactivity series is as follows: Potassium Sodium Lithium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Tin Lead Copper Silver Gold Platinum There are many clever ways to remember this too. This is the metal reactivity series BTW(by the way)

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