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Electrons shared in a molecule are held more closely to the atom with the larger nucleus

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Q: Electrons shared in a molecule are held where to the atoms with the larger nucleus?
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What is the polarity of the HCl molecule due to?

Greater attraction of the chlorine nucleus for the shared electrons, large differences in electronegativity, and shape of the molecule.

Where would you most likely find shared electrons in a water molecule?

You would you most likely find shared electrons in a water molecule near the oxygen atom.

What is the total number of electrons in nitrogen?

The Nitrogen Atom possesses seven protons in its nucleus; therefore the electrically neutral atom of Nitrogen has seven electrons in orbit about it.

A molecule is the neutral particle formed when?

A molecule is the neutral particle formed when electrons are shared between atoms. The charge is neutral when electrons are shared, negative when they gain electrons, and positive when they lose electrons.

The atom with the what attraction for shared electrons in the molecule is the what atom.?

The atom with the greater attraction for shared electrons in the molecule is the more electronegative atom.

Identify the type of weak that forms between water molecules?

The electrons in the water molecule are shared by oxygen and hydrogen atoms. However, the shared electrons are attracted more strongly by the oxygen nucleus than by the hydrogen nuclei. The water molecule therefore has partically positive and negative ends, or poles.

What is the term for valence electrons in a molecule that are not shared?

Non-Bonding Electrons

What molecule is created when electrons are not shared equally?


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What is called when electrons are not shared equally in a molecule?


If two atoms shared electrons and spend exactly half their time circling the nucleus of each hydrogen atom in the molecule what bond have they formed?

A Hydrogen bond.

Which type of bond is held together by the attractions between the protons in the nucleus and the shared electrons?

A covalent bond is held together by the attractions between the protons in the nucleus and shared electrons.