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Elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons. Because of this they generally have similar chemical and physical properties.

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Q: Elements in the same group or family of the periodic table are similar in what way?
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What is a family of element?

A family of elements is a group (column) of the Periodic Table. The family of an element is the column it is in in the Periodic Table. In a family of elements, they all have similar properties. An Example of a Family of Elements;The Alkali Metals - Group 1LithiumSodiumPotassiumRubidiumCaesiumFrancium

What is another name for a group of elements whit similar properites on the periodic table of elements?

a family

Why do the elements in a column on the periodic table form a group?

The elements in a column on the periodic table form a group (or family) because they have similar physical and chemical properties.

What does groups mean in Chemistry?

Is the same thing as a family and a family is a vertical column in the periodic table. Elements in a family all share similar characteristics, whether they be physical or chemical. There are 18 family (or group) columns in the periodic table.

Is a group of elements in the periodic table known as a family of elements?

Yes it is a group is a family remember that when dealing with the periodic table.

In the modern periodic table what elements are listed in vertical columns?

all elements are listed in a verticle column but each column indicates a family such as group seven, the halogens, or a group of similar elements such as the oxygen family or nitrogen family.

Elements in a have similar chemical properties?

a group of elements that have similar properties are arranged one on top of the other on the periodic table. These groups are also called families

Why are the elements in each group int he periodic table considered a family?

Because they have many similar chemical properties.

What is a family of an element in the periodic table?

A family of elements (Or Chemical Family) is used to describe a group of related elements. For example, copper, silver, and gold all belong to the same chemical family. These 3 elements are often referred to as the coinage metals. These elements share several common properties.

What is the difference3 between a family of elements and elements in the same period?

a family is a column of elements a period is a row of elements

What elements on the poeriodic table tend to have similar physical and chemical properties?

Both elements, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) lie in the Group 1 column of the Periodic Table , which contains the members of the Alkali Metals family. Members within a family, or column, of elements tend to have similar chemical properties.

Which elements occupy the same group in the periodic table?

Elements that have similar chemical properties occupy the same group on the Periodic Table.