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9y ago

Mendeleev put elements in certain order. He arranged elements according to Atomic Mass.

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By atomic mass

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13y ago

atomic mass

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Q: Elements were originally placed in order of atomic now they are placed in order of atomic?
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Why are the elements in period three together?

They are placed in order of the atomic number.

Which two elements on a periodic table be reversed if you used atomic mass?

Tellurium (Te) and iodine (I) would be in reverse order if the elements were placed in order of atomic mass instead of atomic number.

By what property did Mendeleev suggest that the periodic table be arranged?

Madeleev originally arranged the elements in the first periodic table by their average atomic masses. Later it was changed to atomic number by Moseley, or the number of protons each of that element's atom has.

What problem is caused by using atomic mass to place elements in order?

There are some elements that would get placed in an order that would not be correct for their electronic configuration.

Did Mendeleev organize the elements by atomic mass or atomic number?

Mendeleev arranged elements in order of increasing mass. Later modern periodic table was discovered that contains elements arranged by atomic number.

How is each elements placed on the periodic table?

Each element is placed according to the increasing order of their atomic number and repeating properties.

What was Dmitri medeleevs contribution to the periodic tale?

Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass.He placed the elements in rows and columns.

When Mendeleev developed his periodic table he placed the greatest emphasis on?

He gave emphasis on the atomic mass. He arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses

What Demetri Mendeleev doe for the periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev arranged elements in order of increasing atomic masses. He placed elements in rows and columns.

How did Mendeleev discover a pattern of repeating properties in elements?

Mendleef arranged the elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses due to which elements having same properties were placed in the same group and there were few exceptions.

Are the elements on a periodic table arranged in order of decreasing atomic mass?

No. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

Are the elements listed in order of atomic number or atomic mass?

Atomic number.