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Q: He is called the ''Father of the periodic table'' his periodic table organized the elements according to increasing what?
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How is the current periodic table of the elements organized?

Mendeleev's version of the Periodic Table was organized by increasing mass. The modern periodic table is now organized by atomic number.

How was periodic table organized?

He organized the elements by the increasing order of the atomic mass.

How did mendeleev organize the elements to create a periodic table?

He organized it according to the atomic mass.

Are elements organized on the periodic table by increasing order of atomic number?

Yes, it is correct.

How did Mendeleev organize the elements to create the periodic table?

Mendeleev organized the elements according to their increasing atomic masses and considered their fundamental properties . He also considered the Hydrides and Oxides formed by the elements.

What was Mendeleev's periodic table was organized by?

Mendeleev's periodic table was organized in order of increasing atomic masses. He arranged elements having similar properties together.

Who modified periodic law?

The Periodic Table of Elements was modified by the English scientist Henry Moseley in the year 1913. Moseley assessed the atomic number of the elements individually and organized the atoms according to increasing atomic number.

Who arranged the elements in the periodic table according to increasing weight?

Dmitri Mendeleev arranged the elements in periodic table according to increasing weight. He found their properties to be periodic when arranged in this pattern.

How is the periodic table is organized into columns called?

The elements arranged according to their atomic number in the table are called periodic table.

How was the original periodic table organized?

the original periodic table was based on th elements it had

Describe two differences between Mendeleev's periodic table and the modern periodic table?

There are more elements and it's organized differently

What is used to order elements on the periodic table?

the elements in the modern periodic table are arranged according to their increasing atomic number.