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Umm yea your pretty dumb...the answer is they all have negative charges.

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Q: How are the anions in all types of binary compounds similar?
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How many different types of compounds are there?

Well depends what you mean by how many different types of compounds. In total? Or type 1 , and 2 etc. there is Type 1-Binary Compounds Type 2- Binary Trans-metallic Compounds Type 3- Binary Molecular Compounds Type 4- Ternary Compounds etc. these contains vast amounts of compounds so gives you an idea.

What are the two types of binary compounds?

Type 1 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation has only one form, or charge. Type 2 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation can have multiple forms.

How many type of compound are there?

Well depends what you mean by how many different types of compounds. In total? Or type 1 , and 2 etc. there is Type 1-Binary Compounds Type 2- Binary Trans-metallic Compounds Type 3- Binary Molecular Compounds Type 4- Ternary Compounds etc. these contains vast amounts of compounds so gives you an idea.

How many types binary compound of hydrogen?

There are four types of binary compounds of hydrogen, namely, 1. Ionic hydride 2. Covalent Hydride 3. Complex Hydride 4 Metallic Hydride

What is the formula for binary molecular compound?

Binary compound: a chemical compound with only two types of atoms; examples: NaCl, HCl, CaS, H2O.

What substances are binary compounds?

There are lots and lots of them! Anything that only contains two elements is called a binary compound.See the Web Links to the left for more information about them!

What types of ions do different elements form?

Ions are cations (positive) or anions (negative).

What are the types of binary trees?

Balanced and unbalanced.

What are the two main types of asexual reproduction?

Two types of asexual reproduction are Budding and Binary Fission. There are also other types of asexual reproduction such as Fragmentation, Sporulation, Regeneration, and Vegetative Propagation.

Do compounds always contain different types of atoms?

Yes, all the compounds contain different types of atoms.

Binary relationship in database?

A binary relationship is a type of relationship between the entities, which links to types of entities in it.

What are two pure substances?

The two types of pure substance are elements and compounds The two types of pure substance are elements and compounds