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when the blood passes through high reaction centres like liver, spleen where exothermic reactions take place and heat is liberated, then the blood take heat from those reactions and transforms it to entire body in this way blood helps in distribution of body heat.

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Q: How blood helps in distribution of body heat?
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How does blood control body temperature?

Blood is in continuous circulation throughout the body. It allows the equal distribution of heat simply by heat exchange. Thus, all parts of body attain the same temperature.

Is heat carried to or away from blood cells?

Heat is carried away from blood cells. The blood acts as a carrier of heat from the body's core to the skin, where heat can be released to the environment. This helps regulate body temperature and prevent overheating.

What generates heat that helps maintain proper body temperature in newborn infants?

blood flow.

Why constriction of skin blood vessels on a cold winter day is beneficial?

It helps retain body heat.

What is the circulatory system transport this which helps regulate temperature?

Your question is not quite clear, but if you are asking "does the circulatory system help maintain body temperature?" then I would the answer is yes. It moves blood throughout the body which regulates the body temperature. Doing so also supplies supplies oxygen and nutrients for the cells in your body.

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The part of the blood that carries digested food wastes and heat through the body is the plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of blood that transports nutrients, waste products, and heat throughout the body. It also plays a vital role in maintaining the body's pH balance and helps in clotting.

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It helps the body remove heat through sweating

What does the human body depend to cool it self in hot environments?

The body channels blood to neat the surface of the skin in order to facilitate heat exchange with the air. The body also sweats as the water on the skin helps get rid of heat.

How does skin regulate your body?

Skin's regulatory function is mostly related to temperature regulation. A layer of fat helps hold in heat. Dilation or constriction of the blood vessels in the skin release or conserve heat. Sweating also helps cool your body through evaporation.

What do dolphins have under their skin that helps hold in their body heat?

Dolphins have blubber under their skin, that helps hold in their body heat.

Why does sweat lower body temperature?

Heat is reduced by evaporation and convection. Sweat on the skin helps the skin to cool. Dilated blood vessels beneath the skin cool the blood which is then circulated throughout the body core.

How does the skin help to regulate body temperature 2 examples?

The skin helps to regulate body temperature through the process of vasodilation and vasoconstriction. When the body is too hot, blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate, allowing more blood to flow to the surface and release heat through sweating. When the body is too cold, blood vessels constrict to reduce blood flow to the surface, conserving heat in the body's core.