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What is the IUPAC of the compound P2O5

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Q: How can you get correct IUPAC names of compounds?
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The systematic way to assign names to chemical compounds is called?

This is chemical nomenclature accepted by IUPAC.

Provide the correct IUPAC name for CuNO₃?

The correct IUPAC name for CuNO₃ is Copper(I) Nitrate.

What is the IUPAC name for fruits?

IUPAC name for fruits? fruits are made of thousands, if not millions of different compounds so IUPAC can't really name them

What do you call elements and compounds?

Chemical elements and compounds were "baptized" by chemists; the official nomenclature is established by IUPAC.

What is a correct way to write a symbol?

IUPAC (International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry) has rules for writing chemical symbols and formulas. They are valid in all languages.For compounds search in a library Nomenclature of inorganic compounds and Nomenclature of organic compounds, with the text adapted to your language, if necessary.See the links below.

What is the IUPAC name for Mercury I oxide?

IUPAC names: Mercury(I) oxide for Hg2O and Mercury(II) oxide for HgO

What is the name for chlorine?

IUPAC naming only applies to compounds. The IUPAC name for chlorine is chlorine. In nature chlorine exists as a diatomic compound Cl2 called dichlorine.

What is the correct IUPAC name for the compound NH4Cl?

ammonium chloride

What are other names for isobutane?

The IUPAC name for isobutane is methylpropane.

Enumerate the IUPAC rules in naming ternary compounds?

ternary compuonds are composed of three elements

What is the aupac name for chlorine?

IUPAC naming only applies to compounds. The IUPAC name for chlorine is chlorine. In nature chlorine exists as a diatomic compound Cl2 called dichlorine.

Which of these names is correct 2 2 3-Trimethylbutane or 2 3 3-Trimethylbutane?

The answer is 2,2,3-Trimethylbutane as the IUPAC naming system states that the numbering should be as low as possible.