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People grow plants inside a plastic greenhouse the same way they do inside a glass one. Plastic ones work in the same way and allows plants to grow better than in the outdoors because of the humidity created.

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Q: How do people grow plants inside plastic greenhouse?
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Greenhouse Plastic?

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Do a inside plant grow better inside or outside?

Plants grow better in a greenhouse. My grandma owns one and they grow much better in a greenhouse.

Why do plants grown in greenhouses in winter rarely grow as fast as the same type of plant grown outside in the summer even if the temperatures are the same?

A greenhouse, using the greenhouse affect, does help the plants grow faster. Let me try and put this is simplest terms. Heat, is a measurment of energy. And plants need energy to grow, which is why they need heat to grow. The sun emits radiant energy. Radiant energy is pretty much heat that is transferred through an empty gap, like space. ( this does not inclue air ). Radiant energy can transfer through the glass/plastic of the greenhouse and gets obsorbed by the plants. Then the plants emit their own radiant energy, except it is not the same as the energy it took in. The radiant energy the plants inside the greenhouse emit can not penatrate through the glass/plastic of the greenhouse, trapping all heat inside.

What is the significance of term green in green house effect?

None. The term is greenhouse as in those glass covered structures used to germinate seeds and grow small plants in. The greenhouse effect is similar to the workings of the real greenhouse; air inside is warmed by sunlight, but can't escape due to the glass or plastic, this the inside gets hotter to the air outside.

Why do you think greenhouse gases get that nickname?

Because they have the same effect as a greenhouse. They trap heat inside them, just like a greenhouse does to help the plants grow.

How do you overwinter plants in a greenhouse?

Overwinter plants in a greenhouse by simulating the season and temperature of winter in the greenhouse.

How is a greenhouse related to the sun?

The sun's rays get trapped inside the green house and help the plants grow.

Why is a greenhouse made from glass?

this makes possible for the sunlight to reach the plants inside. This makes it easier for the glass to project sunlight through the glass helping the plants inside grow while at the same time it protects the plants.

What is a building usually made out of glass in which people grow plants?

It is called a "greenhouse" and if heated it may be called a "hothouse." The panes of glass allow warming sunlight in, but block the infrared from leaving, trapping heat inside the greenhouse. This is why the same warming process applied to the Earth as a whole is called the "greenhouse effect."

Why is the word green color used in the greenhouse effect?

The "Greenhouse" effect is not referencing the colour green, instead it references the greenhouse, a building erected to allow plants to be grown in a warmer environment. Most greenhouses are built of transparent glass (no colour) and are not green either. The only green associated with the greenhouse building is the colour of the plants inside of them.

How does saran wrap work with plants?

Saran wrap helps in creating a greenhouse effect without having an actual greenhouse. The plastic helps keep moisture in and protects the plant from the elements or harshness of a climate.

How does the Greenhouse affect work?

A green house works by keeping in moisture and humidity which most plants love. While still allowing sunlight in which adds even more moisture and humidity into the air by evaporating it from the soil. While it is usually possible to open windows on the walls or roof. It is done more to keep things in a temperature and humidity balance for the types of plants inside. when the light enters the greenhouse thermal energy is produced.