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Atoms could be identified by various technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction is the most important in that.

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Q: How do scientists know atoms exist if atoms are so small?
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How long did it take scientists to figure out everything we know about atoms?

2400 years

How do you know atoms exist?

Lots of experiments have been done that can only be explained if you assume that atoms exist; thus, there is a lot of indirect evidence that atoms exist. All this indirect evidence leads us to believe that atoms are, indeed, real.(from exploring creation with physical science by Dr. Jay L. Wile)

How do scientists know that atoms and molecules combine in well ordered arrays?

Scientists study molucles under a microscope in order to determine what atoms make up the molucle. For example, if you looked at a carbon dioxede molucle under a microscope you would see that it`s made of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. This is my first quistion so I hope I helped!

What portion of daltons atomic theory is still considered correct?

Dalton believed that all elements were composed of tiny indivisible particles called atoms. We now know that this is not true, there are particles found within the atom: protons, neutrons, & electrons. Dalton believed that all atoms of the same element were identical. We know this is not true. Isotopes are atoms of the same elemtn that have different mass numbers because of different numbers of neutrons, therefore, all atoms of the same element are NOT identical

Do scientists know why water can be solid liquid or gas?

Pretty much any small covalent molecule can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas, so there's not really much of a "why" involved. If it couldn't exist in all three phases, why NOT would be a MUCH more interesting question.

Related questions

Why do atoms exist?

Scientists don't believe atoms exist- they know atoms exist. No matter what type of field they study, the 'theory' of the atom explains many things about matter and chemistry and what make things happend in the physical world.

What is very small piece of matter?

Small matter, this can be answered depending on how you look at it, originally atoms were named because they were believed to be the smallest particle of matter and cannot be split anymore but scientists now know that subatomic particles exist such as quarks. They and others are building blocks of matter. A particle is a very small piece of matter. Particles are part of atoms. Atoms are the smallest unit of all substances.

What is a piece of matter?

Small matter, this can be answered depending on how you look at it, originally atoms were named because they were believed to be the smallest particle of matter and cannot be split anymore but scientists now know that subatomic particles exist such as quarks. They and others are building blocks of matter. A particle is a very small piece of matter. Particles are part of atoms. Atoms are the smallest unit of all substances.

What is a small piece of matter?

Small matter, this can be answered depending on how you look at it, originally atoms were named because they were believed to be the smallest particle of matter and cannot be split anymore but scientists now know that subatomic particles exist such as quarks. They and others are building blocks of matter. A particle is a very small piece of matter. Particles are part of atoms. Atoms are the smallest unit of all substances.

How do you know that everything is made from atoms?

If has been proven by many scientists.

How long did it take scientists to figure out everything we know about atoms?

2400 years

Why do nuclear forces exist?

Without the strong force atoms would fly apart and nothing would exist as we know it.

How did scientists know that oxygen was a new element?

scientists knew that oxygen was a element as it had the atoms of only O i,e. oxygen and helped in increase in combustion

Can you break down atoms break them into little pieces?

Yes you can but only scientists know how to make it. It's called an atom bomb. It splits atoms.

What are somethings you know to be true that science cannot prove or explain?

One example is the existence of cryptids. There are hundreds of sightings we all know they exist but scientists can't prove they exist.

Are there green creatures from the moon?

As far as scientists know, no. And because the gravity on the moon is too small to support an atmosphere, and the temperatures fluctuate too rapidly and extremely it is highly unlikely that life could exist.

What is olement?

An element is small pieces just like blocks that can not be broken into smaller pieces.And if you know what is atoms are atoms are small things inside an element .