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the only way to get slaked lime is by burning the sea shells in a lime kiln then by adding cold water, this chemical reaction is by burning the carbon off from the calcium then replaced by oxygen atoms, this process will make the seashell lighter , when cold water is added this process will break down the seashell, then turn into hydrated lime.

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Q: How do you get slaked lime from seashells?
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What is slaked lime chemical name?

Slaked lime is Calcium Hydroxide - Ca(OH)2

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dry slaked lime is calcium coxide

How is slaked lime produce?

is it produced by lime stone :)

Why does slaked lime give a more immediate response than agricultural lime?

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Slaked lime is used to make mortar. It is mixed with sand and water and used to hold bricks together.

How do you think slaked lime is manufactured from limestone?

Yes, slaked lime is manufactured from limestone: CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2

How is slake lime made?

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Why do Farmers Use Slaked Lime For Animal Pens?

Whoever told you that slaked lime is made for animal pens is messing with you and its alot of nonsense