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it is called an amide bond in IUPAC.

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Q: How do you name peptide bond according to IUPAC?
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What is the name of the chemical bond between amino acids?

the bond connecting two aminoacid is peptide bond

What is the name of the bond between2 amino acids?

Peptide bond .

Bonds that join one amino acid to another?

This bond is an amide bond that has the special name, peptide bond.

The attachment of a carboxylic acid group of one amino acid to the amino acid group of another forms a connection called?

An amide bond forming a chain of peptides. Peptide bond is only a special amide bond name for this particular bonding.

What is the substrate name for papain?

The substrate of protease is a peptide bond.

What kind of bond connects two amino acids?

A covalent bond between two amino acids is a peptide bond.

What is the name of the molecule compound N2H4?

The traditional name is hydrazine and the systematic name according to IUPAC is diazane.

What is the iupac name of carbonyl chloride?

Iupac name of COCl2

What is the iupac name of ethanol?

Ethanol is the proper IUPAC name already!

What is correct IUPAC name for the compound NF3?

The name after IUPAC is nitrogen trifluoride (in English).

What is The relationship between a polypeptide bond and a peptide bond?

a polypeptide is a a sequence of amino acids covalently bonded together by a peptide bond. The peptide bond is formed when two adjacent amino acids come together by way of condensation reaction (loss of a water molecule) to form the covalent bond between them.

What is the iupac name of sulphuric acid using IUPAC guidelines?

it's not organic so i don't think that it has an IUPAC name.