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1 ppm is 1 mg per litre so you need to weigh out the amount of zinc sulfate that contains 10mg i.e 0.01g SO4 which is 287.4/32 =8.98125g ZnSO4-7H2O and add to a 1 lt volumetric flask and dilute with water to 1 litre.

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 3mo ago

To prepare a 10 ppm sulphate solution from zinc sulphate, dissolve an appropriate amount of zinc sulphate in a solvent to achieve a concentration of 10 ppm. Calculate the mass of zinc sulphate needed based on its molecular weight and the volume of solvent you are using. Dilute this solution as needed to achieve the desired concentration.

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โˆ™ 10y ago

Ppm stands for parts per million. One gram in 1000 ml is considered 1000 ppm. Therefore to prepare a 10 ppm solution you would need 0.01 g in 1000 ml solution.

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Q: How do you prepare 10 ppm of sulphate solution from zinc sulphate?
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How can you prepare solution 0.2 ppm from 1000 ppm?

To prepare a 0.2 ppm solution from a 1000 ppm solution, you would need to dilute the 1000 ppm solution by adding 5000 parts of solvent for every 1 part of the 1000 ppm solution. This means mixing 1 part of the 1000 ppm solution with 5000 parts of solvent to achieve a 0.2 ppm concentration.

How do you prepare 2 ppm solution of nickel nitrate?

To prepare a 2 ppm solution of nickel nitrate, you would dissolve 2 grams of nickel nitrate in enough water to make 1 liter of solution. This will result in a solution where there are 2 parts of nickel nitrate for every 1 million parts of water.

How prepare ppm report?

To prepare a parts per million (ppm) report, you will need to first determine the concentration of a substance in a solution in ppm. This can be calculated by dividing the mass of the solute by the total mass of the solution and multiplying by one million. Make sure to clearly state the substance, its concentration in ppm, and any relevant details in your report.

How do you prepare solution in ppm?

To prepare a solution in parts per million (ppm), you need to dissolve a certain weight of solute in a specific volume of solvent. The formula to calculate ppm is: ppm = (mass of solute / volume of solution) x 10^6. Once you have determined the mass of solute needed, dissolve it in the solvent and make up the volume to the desired level.

How do you prepare solution of 1ppm from 1000 ppm solution?

Make a 1 to 100 dilution of the original 1000 ppm solution. That is take 1 ml and dilute to 100 ml, or take 10 ml and dilute to 1000 ml. This will give you a 10 ppm solution.

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To prepare a 0.2 ppm solution from a 1000 ppm solution, you would need to dilute the 1000 ppm solution by adding 5000 parts of solvent for every 1 part of the 1000 ppm solution. This means mixing 1 part of the 1000 ppm solution with 5000 parts of solvent to achieve a 0.2 ppm concentration.

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To prepare a 2 ppm solution of nickel nitrate, you would dissolve 2 grams of nickel nitrate in enough water to make 1 liter of solution. This will result in a solution where there are 2 parts of nickel nitrate for every 1 million parts of water.

How do you prepare ppm solution from solid?

To prepare a parts per million (ppm) solution from a solid, you would first need to accurately measure the mass of the solid compound. Then, dissolve this solid in a known volume of solvent to make a specific concentration solution. Finally, calculate the ppm concentration by dividing the mass of the solid compound by the total mass of the solution and converting it to ppm.

How prepare ppm report?

To prepare a parts per million (ppm) report, you will need to first determine the concentration of a substance in a solution in ppm. This can be calculated by dividing the mass of the solute by the total mass of the solution and multiplying by one million. Make sure to clearly state the substance, its concentration in ppm, and any relevant details in your report.

How do you prepare solution in ppm?

To prepare a solution in parts per million (ppm), you need to dissolve a certain weight of solute in a specific volume of solvent. The formula to calculate ppm is: ppm = (mass of solute / volume of solution) x 10^6. Once you have determined the mass of solute needed, dissolve it in the solvent and make up the volume to the desired level.

How do you prepare solution of 1ppm from 1000 ppm solution?

Make a 1 to 100 dilution of the original 1000 ppm solution. That is take 1 ml and dilute to 100 ml, or take 10 ml and dilute to 1000 ml. This will give you a 10 ppm solution.

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To prepare a 1000 ppm chloride solution from sodium chloride, first calculate the mass of sodium chloride needed using the formula: (ppm concentration * volume of solution in liters) / 1000. Then dissolve this calculated mass of sodium chloride in the desired volume of water to make the solution. Finally, ensure the solution is thoroughly mixed before testing the concentration with appropriate methods.

What is the maximum ppm of zinc sulfate that you may apply to a leaf without damaging the leaf?

Twenty (20) is the maximum ppm of zinc sulfate that can be applied without damaging the leaf.Specifically, 15-20 ppm is the critical concentration of zinc in plants. Less than 20 ppm indicates deficiency. More than 400 ppm identifies a situation of excess and toxicity.

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To prepare a 1 ppb sodium solution from a 1000 ppm sodium standard, you can dilute 1 mL of the 1000 ppm sodium standard with 999 mL (or 999 g) of solvent. This will result in a final solution with a concentration of 1 ppb, as 1 mL is equivalent to 1 mg in this case.