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Table salt is sodium chloride and it is represented as NaCl

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Q: How do you write salt water using the periodic table?
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Did Euclid write the periodic table?


Using silicon dioxide as an example and the periodic table as a reference.describe how to to write the formula of a covalent compound.?

You use the prefix of the words to write the formula for a covalent compound, example "di-" is the prefix and it is 2.

What do the cloumns and rows do together on the periodic table?

I don't know if you do please write it

What is each horizontal row of elements on the periodic table called?

Each row of elements on the periodic table is called (ironically) a period! If you want to know the specific elements, try using a search engine to look it up, as there are over 100 elements and the list is too extensive to write out here (when it's already detailed far better in other sites).

What is the common way to write the periodic table's symbols?

Something like S for sulfur or He for helium.

How do you write an element on periodic table?

If you think to chemical symbol of an element this is standardized after IUPAC rules.

Write the electron configuration of the atom in the third row of the periodic table that has the smallest Ei4?

1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p2 (Si)

How do you write chemical symbols of compound?

Search in a periodic table the chemical symbols of all chemical elements.

Write a sentence that describes the purpose of the periodic table?

The elements of the periodic table are arranged in groups and periods. All of the elements in a period have the same number of atomic orbitals where as in a group all the elements have the same number of valence electrons.

How do you write a sentence with the word water table?

you answer it with a water big at beggining annd a water period si t become watewr table..

How does the periodic table can help you in science?

If you ever decided to become a scientist or someone in the pharmaceutical department then you would need to know the periodic table to know what chemicals can be mixed with what. It is also useful for abbreviations. for example instead of writing Oxygen you can just write O.

How do you write a java program to make a periodic table?

See the related links section for a link to a JAR file containing this program.